fgp-graph is a chart lib based on Dygraphs
fgp-graph bases on dygraphs and uses typescript as development langulage. It allows future-grid customer to explore their timeseries aggregations data sets. Here's how the fgp-graphs works:
- Typescript
let graphDiv: HTMLDivElement = document.getElementById("graphArea") as HTMLDivElement;
let fgpGraph = new FgpGraph(graphDiv, [vsConfig]);
- React
let fgpGraph = new FgpGraph(document.getElementById('graphArea'), [
- Angular2
coming soon~
This graph is interactive as same as dygraphs, but some changes are made to meet the needs of futuregrid customer requirements. You can scroll up and down on both left and right axis to scale the y-ranges. You can also zoom-in & zoom-out on graph in the same way. Panning on those area has same effect.
This graph is highly configurable. You can put mulitple "VIEW"(datasource) to this graph and swap them with the "dropdown" easily. You can download data and save current graph as a image. There are "callbacks" can be used to monitoring the date window and highlighting(selection) events.
Geeting Started
Once you`ve got ready to put it in your project, please check the demos or check out our github wiki.
If you're using npm and a bundler like webpack, browserify or rollup, you can install fgp-graph via:
npm install --save @future-grid/fgp-graph
and use it via:
import FgpGraph from '@future-grid/fgp-graph';
//...... your code ......//
let fgpGraph = new FgpGraph(document.getElementById('graphArea'), [
//...... your code ......//
Check out the React demo for more details.
Options Reference
If you are a dygrpahs user, please don't put dygraphs options in fgp-graph. fgp-graph has its own options and different formats.
const vdConfig: ViewConfig = {
name: "device view",
connectSeparatedPoints: true,
graphConfig: {
hideHeader: {views: false, intervals: false, toolbar: false, series: false},
// hideHeader: false,
features: {
zoom: true,
scroll: true,
rangeBar: {show: true, format: 'DD MMM YYYY h:mm a'},
legend: this.formatters.legendForAllSeries,
exports: [GraphExports.Data, GraphExports.Image],
rangeLocked: true // lock or unlock range bar
entities: [
{id: "substation1", type: "substation", name: "substation1"},
rangeEntity: {id: "substation1", type: "substation", name: "substation1"},
rangeCollection: {
label: 'substation_day',
name: 'substation_interval_day',
interval: 86400000,
series: [
{label: "Avg", type: 'line', exp: "data.avgConsumptionVah"}
collections: [
label: 'substation_raw',
name: 'substation_interval',
interval: 3600000,
markLines: [{value: 256, label: '256', color: '#FF0000'}, {
value: 248,
label: '248',
color: '#FF0000'
series: [
label: "Avg",
type: 'line',
exp: "data.avgConsumptionVah",
yIndex: 'left',
color: '#058902',
visibility: false
label: "Max",
type: 'line',
exp: "data.maxConsumptionVah",
yIndex: 'left',
color: '#d80808'
label: "Min",
type: 'line',
exp: "data.minConsumptionVah",
yIndex: 'left',
color: '#210aa8',
extraConfig: {name: "helloword"}
threshold: {min: 0, max: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10)}, // 0 ~ 10 days
yLabel: 'voltage',
y2Label: 'voltage',
initScales: {left: {min: 245, max: 260}},
fill: false
}, {
label: 'substation_day',
name: 'substation_interval_day',
interval: 86400000,
// markLines: [{value: 255, label: '255', color: '#FF0000'}, {value: 235, label: '235', color: '#FF0000'}],
series: [
{label: "Avg", type: 'line', exp: "data.avgConsumptionVah", yIndex: 'left'},
label: "Max",
type: 'line',
exp: "data.maxConsumptionVah",
yIndex: 'left',
color: '#ff0000'
// {
// label: "Min",
// type: 'dots',
// exp: "data.minConsumptionVah",
// yIndex: 'left',
// extraConfig: {any: "anything"}
// }
threshold: {min: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10), max: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52 * 10)}, // 7 days ~ 3 weeks
yLabel: 'voltage',
y2Label: 'voltage',
initScales: {left: {min: 230, max: 260}},
fill: false
filters: {
"buttons": [
label: "All"
, func: () => {
return ["Min", "Max", "Avg"];
label: "Min"
, func: (): Array<string> => {
return ["Min"];
label: "Max"
, func: () => {
return ["Max"];
label: "Avg"
, func: () => {
return ["Avg"];
label: "Colors",
type: FilterType.COLORS,
func: (labels?: Array<string>) => {
let colors: Array<string> = [];
// generate colors
if (labels) {
labels.forEach(element => {
return colors;
label: "reset Colors",
type: FilterType.COLORS,
func: (labels?: Array<string>) => {
return [];
dataService: this.dataService,
show: true,
ranges: [
{name: "10 mins", value: 1000 * 60 * 10},
{name: "half an hour", value: 1000 * 60 * 30},
{name: "1 hours", value: 1000 * 60 * 60},
{name: "2 hours", value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 2},
{name: "1 day", value: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24},
{name: "7 days", value: 604800000, show: true},
{name: "1 month", value: 2592000000}
initRange: {
start: moment("2019-11-01").add(0, 'days').startOf('day').valueOf(),
end: moment("2019-12-01").subtract(0, 'days').endOf('day').valueOf()
interaction: {
callback: {
highlightCallback: (datetime, series, points) => {
// console.debug("selected series: ", series);
syncDateWindow: (dateWindow) => {
// console.debug(moment(dateWindow[0]), moment(dateWindow[1]));
dbClickCallback: (series) => {
// console.debug("dbl callback");
timezone: 'Australia/Perth',
highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha: 1
// timezone: 'Pacific/Auckland'
let fgpGraph = new FgpGraph(document.getElementById('graphArea'), [
All views configuration has a name and you will find it in the "views" dropdownd list. It's a key of view and should be exclusive. type: string default: none
You should let the graphs know what timezone that data blongs to. You can find the right timezone for your data by googling
type: string default: none
Australia/Melbourne Pacific/Auckland
fgp-graph will find the last view config with "show: true", then show it first.
type: boolean default: false
array of configuration to let you change datewindow easier.
[{ name: "7 days", value: 604800000, show: true },{ name: "1 month", value: 2592000000 }]
- name show this name in range dropdown list type: string default: none
- value gap in milliseconds type: number default: none
- show tells graph which one should show first type: boolean default: false
this is another way to tell graph what timewindow you want to show first. graph will ignore "ranges" configuration with this attribute.
{start: moment().subtract(10, 'days').startOf('day').valueOf(),end: moment().add(1, 'days').valueOf()}
- start type: number(timestamp) default: none
- end type: number(timestamp) default: none
zoom enable/disable zoom type: boolean default: false
scroll enable/disable scroll type: boolean default: false
rangebar show/hide rangebar type: boolean default: false
legend legend formatter, there are 2 formatters included in @future-grid/fgp-graph/lib/extras/formatters type: function(data):htmlstr default: none provider: legendForAllSeries(device view) legendForSingleSeries(children view)
exports enable/disable export buttons type: Array default: none provider: GraphExports.Data and GraphExports.Image
array of devices
- id device name from futuregrid platform
- type device type from futuregrid platform
- name device description(extension) from futuregrid platform
[{ id: "meter1", type: "meter", name: "meter1" },{ id: "meter2", type: "meter", name: "meter2" }]
single device and should always be the parent of "entities"
- id device id from futuregrid platform, you can put device name here
- type device type from futuregrid platform
- name device name from futuregrid platform
{ id: "substation1", type: "substation", name: "substation1" }
this "collection" is a futuregrid interval configuration. Graph will call "dataservice" to get the frist and last record and render the rangebar with that timewindow. But most time insted of last record with current datetime.
label label of the "interval", different or same to interval name type: string default: none
name name of the "interval" type: string default: none
interval interval in milliseconds type: numnber default: none
series Array of series configuration, but only one needed. we just need one line in the rangebar.
- label show this label when hover the line
- type "line", "bar" or any other types supported by graph. Right now only "line" worked.
- exp
expression for data calculation.
"data." is a prefix for the attribute from data"data.avgConsumptionVah * 10"
this "collection" is similar to RangeCollection, but shown on main graph. you can put multiple collections there and graph will swap them base on "threshold"
label label of the "interval", different or same to interval name type: string default: none
name name of the "interval" type: string default: none
interval interval in milliseconds type: numnber default: none
series Array of series configuration, but only one needed.
[{ label: "Voltage", type: 'line', exp: "data.voltage", yIndex: 'left' }]
- label show this label when hover the line
- type "line", "bar" or any other types supported by graph. Right now only "line" worked.
- exp
expression for data calculation.
"data." is a prefix for the attribute from data"data.avgConsumptionVah * 10"
- yIndex left(0) or right(1) axes
threshold Tells graph to show it in a particular datetime range.
{ min: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 10), max: (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 52 * 10) }
- min type: number(timestamp) default: none
- max type: number(timestamp) default: none
initScales value ranges for left and right Y-Axes. leave it empty the graph will calculate with max and min from value, then add 10% offset to min and max.
{ left: { min: 245, max: 260 }, right: { min:10, max:30 } }
- left
- min type: number default: none
- max type: number default: none
- right
- min type: number default: none
- max type: number default: none
- left
yLabel label of y-axes type: string default: none
You need to provide a datasource base on "DataHandler" interface. There are two methods with "Promise" return value.
fetchdata(ids: Array<string>, interval: string, range: { start: number; end: number }, fields?: Array<string>): Promise<Array<{ id: string, data: Array<any> }>>;
fetchFirstNLast(ids: Array<string>, interval: string, fields?: Array<string>): Promise<Array<{ id: string, data: { first: any, last: any } }>>;
All date that you provided should have the attributes in series coniguration and "timestamp" attribute as timeseries field. check the react demo for more details
Every time you change the datetime range or highlighting series on graph, the graph will call "callback" that you provided. You can do what you want, just like highlight something on map or redirect to another page.
- callback
- highlighCallback
(datetime, series, points) => { // console.debug("selected series: ", series); }
- datetime timestamp of the points
- series series name
- points points value
- clickCallback
(series) => { // console.debug("choosed series: ", series); }
- dbClickCallback
same as clickCallback, just in case sometimes we need 2 different event to highlight on map and pop window for another page(series) => { // console.debug("choosed series: ", series); }
- highlighCallback
Event Listeners
There are 2 listeners let you know when "ViewConfig" & "Interval" changed. Such as you can use "viewChangeListener" to create a child graph.
onViewChange = (g: FgpGraph, view: ViewConfig): void => { console.log("view changed!", view.name); const mainGraph = g; if("device view" === view.name){ // add new child graph this.setState({ childrenGraph: [] }); } else { // add new child graph this.setState({ childrenGraph: [{ id: '' + Math.random() * 1000, viewConfigs: this.childViewConfigs, onReady: (div: HTMLDivElement, g: FgpGraph) => { mainGraph.setChildren([g]); } }] }); } };
Graph instance and viewConfig object will send back as parameters.
onIntervalChange = (g: FgpGraph, interval: { name: string; value: number; show?: boolean }): void => { console.log('interval changed!', interval); };
Please goto "docs" folder for more details.