Input components
This package contains the furo data input components. The @furo/data-input components are mostly wrappers around the @furo/input components with an API to simplify the work with @furo/data (something like two way data binding) to create Forms and interact with a REST API.
What is inside
- furo-data-bool-icon Displays a icon/symbol for a boolean value
- furo-data-checkbox-input binds to a furo data checkbox input element
- furo-data-collection-dropdown bindable dropdown
- furo-data-color-input Binds a entityObject field to a furo-color-input field
- furo-data-date-input Bind a entityObject.field to a date input
- furo-data-display Displays a data field
- furo-data-file-input Binds a entityObject field to a furo-file-input field
- furo-data-money-input Binds a entityObject field google.type.Money to a furo-number-input and currency dropdown fields
- furo-data-number-input Bind a entityObject.field to a number input
- furo-data-password-input Bind a entityObject.field to a password input
- furo-data-property display and bind types of type any
- furo-data-property-display helper for furo-data-property
- furo-data-radio-buton-input furo data radio-button input element
- furo-data-range-input Bind a entityObject.field to a range input
- furo-data-reference-search autocomplete searcher for referenced types
- furo-data-repeat automatic display of repeated fields
- furo-data-search-input Bind a entityObject.field to a search input
- furo-data-sign-pad Bind a entityObject.field to a sign-pad input
- furo-data-text-input Bind a entityObject.field to a text input
- furo-data-textarea-input Bind a entityObject.field to a textarea input
- furo-data-time-input Bind a entityObject.field to a time input
Detailed documentation
Read more about the packages of @furo/*** on the documentation pages.