A functional frontend framework in Typescript
A purely functional frontend framework based on functional reactive programming. Experimental.
Table of contents
High level overview
The goal of Funnel is to be a powerful framework for building frontend applications in a purely functional way. Funnel is based on classic FRP and we benefit from its highly concise way of declaring reactive dataflow. Funnel is heavily inspired by functional techniques found in Haskell that we combine with dynamic features found in JavaScript. We want a functional framework that is highly expressive, convenient to use, fast and a pleasure to use.
- Purely functional.
- Implemented in TypeScript. Later on, we'd like to support PureScript as well.
- Based on classic FRP. Behaviors represents values that change over time and streams provide reactivity. Funnel uses the FRP library Hareactive.
- A component-based architecture. Components are encapsulated and composable. Components are monads and are typically used and composed with do-notation (do-notation is implemented with generators).
- Constructed DOM elements reacts directly to behaviors and streams. This avoids the overhead of using virtual DOM and should lead to great performance.
- Side-effects are expressed with a declarative IO-like monad. This allows for easy testing of effectful code. Furthermore, the IO-monad is integrated with FRP. This makes it possible to perform side-effects in response to user input.
- The entire dataflow through applications is explicit and easy to follow.
npm install @funkia/funnel @funkia/hareactive @funkia/jabz
Hareactive and Jabz are peer dependencies that Funnel uses. Hareactive is the FRP library that we use and Jabz provides some very useful functional abstractions.
The example below creates an input field and print whether or not it is valid.
import {map} from "@funkia/jabz";
import {runMain, elements, loop} from "@funkia/funnel";
const {span, input, div} = elements;
const isValidEmail = (s: string) => s.match(/.+@.+\..+/i);
const main = go(function*() {
yield span("Please enter an email address: ");
const {inputValue: email} = yield input();
const isValid = map(isValidEmail, email);
yield div([
"The address is ", map((b) => b ? "valid" : "invalid", isValid)
// `runMain` should be the only impure function in application code
runMain("#mount", main);
A few explanations to the above code:
- The
function and the generator expresses do-notation, i.e. monadic chaining. Here the monad isComponent
. - The function
returnsComponent<{inputValue: Behavior<string>}>
. Weyield
it which binds theinputValue
behavior toemail
. - Next the
predicate is mapped over theemail
behavior and adiv
component describing the validation status is added.
Approximately listed in order of increasing complexity.
- Simple — Very simple example of an email validator.
- Fahrenheit celsius — A converter between fahrenheit and celsius.
- Zip codes — A zip code validator. Shows one way of doing HTTP-requests with the IO-monad.
- Continuous time — Shows how to utilize continuous time.
- Counters — A list of counters. Demonstrates nested components, managing a list of components and how child components can communicate with parent components.
- Todo — An implementation of the classic TodoMVC application. Note: Routing is not implemented yet.
Funnel builds on top of the FRP library Hareactive. The two key concepts from FRP are behavior and stream. They are documented in more detail in the Hareactive readme. But the most important things to understand is
represents values that change over time. For instance, the position of the mouse or the number of times a user has clicked a button.Stream
represents discrete events that happen over time. For instance click events.
What is Component
On top of the FRP primitives Funnel adds Component
. Funnel is
pretty much nothing but component. Once you understand
—and how to use it—you understand Funnel. A Funnel app is
just one big component.
- Components can contain logic expressed through operations on behaviors and streams.
- Components are encapsulated and have completely private state.
- Components produce output through which they selectively decide what state they share with their parent.
- Components write DOM elements as children to their parent. They can write zero, one or more DOM elements.
- Components can declare side-effects expressed as
-actions. - Components are composable— one component can be combined with another component and the result is a third component.
Element functions
Funnel includes functions for creating components that represent standard HTML-elements. When you create your own components they will be made of these.
For each HTML-element there is a function for creating a component that represents it. The element functions accept two arguments, both of which are optional. The first is an object describing various things like attributes, classes on the element, etc. The second argument is a child component. To create a div with a span child we would do
const myDiv = div({class: "foo"}, span("Some text"));
The element functions are overloaded. So instead of giving span
component as child we can just give it a string. The element functions
also accepts an array of child elements like this
const myDiv = div({class: "foo"}, [
h1("A header"),
p("Some text")
Using this we can build arbitrarily complex HTML
const myForm = form([
div({class: "form-group"}, [
label("Email address"),
input({attrs: {type: "email", placeholder: "[email protected]"}})
div({class: "checkbox"}, [
input({attrs: {type: "checkbox"}}, "Want spam?")
Dynamic HTML
Anywhere where we can give the element functions a constant value of a certain type we can alternatively give them a behavior with a value of that type. For instance, if we have a string-valued behavior we can use it like this
const mySpan = span(stringBehavior);
This will construct a component representing a span element with text content that is kept up to date with the value of the behavior.
Output from HTML components
Component is represented by a generic type Component<A>
. The A
the output type of the component.
As an example, a component that represents an input element may have output that contains a behavior of the current string value in the input box.
const usernameInput = input({attrs: {placeholder: "Username"}});
has the type Component<Output>
where Output
is an
object containing the output that an input
element produces. Among
other things, an input
element produces a string-valued behavior
name inputValue
that contains the current content of the input
element. So, the type of usernameInput
above is something like
Component<{inputValue: Behavior<string>, ...}>
. The dots are there
to indicate the the component has other output as well.
We can get to the output of a component in several ways. One way is to map over the component.
const usernameInput =
input({attrs: {placeholder: "Username"}})
.map((output) => output.inputValue.map((s) => s.length));
Here we create a component with the input
function, we then invoke
on the component. The function to map
receives the output from
the component. We then call map
on the behavior inputValue
take the length of the string. The result is that usernameInput
the type Component<Behavior<number>>
because it's mapped output is a
number-valued behavior whose value is the current length of the text
in the input element.
on Component
makes it possible to transform and change the output from a
component. However, it does not make it possible to take output from
one component and pipe it into another component. To do that we will
have to use chain
chain((output: Output) => Component<NewOutput>): Component<NewOutput>;
The chain
method on a components with output Output
takes a
function that has Output
as argument and returns a new component.
Here is an example.
input().chain((inputOutput) => span(inputOutput.inputValue));
An invocation component.chain(fn)
returns a new component that works
like this:
- The output from
is passed tofn
. fn
returns a new component, let's call itcomponent2
- The DOM-elements from
are both added to the parent. - The output is the output from
So, the above example boils down to this:
Create input component Create span component with text content
↓ ↓
input().chain((inputOutput) => span(inputOutput.inputValue));
↑ ↑
Output from input-element Behavior of text in input-element
The result is an input element followed by a span element. When something is written in the input the text in the span element is updated accordingly.
With chain
we can combine as many elements as we'd like. The code
below combines two input
elements with a span
that show the
concatenation of the text in the two input fields.
input({ attrs: { placeholder: "foo" } }).chain(
({ inputValue: a }) => input().chain(
({ inputValue: b }) => span(["Combined text: ", a, b])
However, the above code is very awkward and each invocation of chain
adds an extra layer of nesting. To solve the problem we use
do(function*() {
const {inputValue: a} = yield input();
const {inputValue: b} = yield input();
yield span(["Combined text: ", a, b]);
That is a lot easier to read! The do
function works like this: for
every yield
ed value it calls chain
with a function that continues
the generator function with the value that chain
passes it. So, when
we yield
a Component<A>
we will get an A
for handling cyclic dependencies
Sometimes situations arise where there is a cyclic dependency between two components.
For instance, you may have a function that creates a component that shows the value of an input string-value behavior and outputs a string-valued behavior.
const myComponent = (b: Behavior<string>) => span(b).chain((_) => input());
Now we'd have a cyclic dependency if we wanted to construct two of
these views so that the first showed the output from the second and
the second showed output from the first. With loop
we can do it like
loop(({output1, output2}) => do(function*() {
const output1_ = yield myComponent(output2);
const output2_ = yield myComponent(output1);
return {output1: output1_, output2: output2_};
The loop
functional seems pretty magical. It has the following
signature (slightly simplified):
loop<A extends ReactiveObject>(f: (a: A) => Component<A>): Component<A>
I.e. loop
takes a function that returns a component whose output has
the same type as the argument to the function. loop
then passes the
output in as argument to the function. That is, f
will as argument
receive the output from the component it returns. The only restriction
is that the output from the component must be an object with streams
and/or behaviors as values.
Visually it looks like this.
Building components with separated logic and view
API Documentation
Nothing here yet. See the examples.
Funnel is developed by Funkia. We develop functional libraries. You can be a part of it too. Share your feedback and ideas. We also love PRs.
Run tests once with the below command. It will additionally generate
an HTML coverage report in ./coverage
npm test
Continuously run the tests with
npm run test-watch