A Translation Library for Angular
A simple Angular caching store that can also fetch and cache http requests
This library helps implementing a single source of truth with http fetch capabilities.
@fullerstack/ngx-cachify attempts to streamline the fetching and caching http request, with immutability of data of your Angular application, while promoting DRY DRY.
How to install
npm i @fullerstack/ngx-cachify |OR| yarn add @fullerstack/ngx-cachify
How to use
// In your environment{prod,staging}.ts
import { ApplicationConfig } from '@fullerstack/ngx-config';
import { CachifyConfig, CachifyFetchPolicy } from '@fullerstack/ngx-cachify';
const cachify: CachifyConfig = {
// disable caching altogether (default: false)
disabled: false,
// which policies to enable (default: all enabled) [refer to: advanced usage]
policies: [CachifyFetchPolicy.CacheFirst],
// freeze state (default: true)
immutable: true,
// invalidate cache in `ttl` seconds (default: 60 seconds)
ttl: 30,
} as const;
// setup application environment
export const environment: Readonly<ApplicationConfig> = {
version: '0.0.1',
production: true,
appName: 'FullerStack',
// ...
} as const;
// In your app.module.ts
import { CfgModule } from '@fullerstack/ngx-config';
import { CachifyModule, CachifyInterceptor } from '@fullerstack/ngx-cachify';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
CfgModule.forRoot(environment), // make the environment injectable
// ...
providers: [
// ...
provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, // provider is of type interceptor
useClass: CachifyInterceptor, // enable cachify interceptor
multi: true // allow `next` to be called in the intercept `chain`
// ...
bootstrap: [AppComponent],
export class AppModule {}
// In your app.component.ts
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {
CACHIFY_AUTO_KEY } from '@fullerstack/ngx-config';
import { CachifyService } from '@fullerstack/ngx-cachify';
selector: 'fullerstack-root',
template: `<h1>Welcome to {{ title }}!</h1>`,
export class AppComponent {
title = 'Fullerstack';
readonly config: ConfigService,
readonly cachify: CachifyService
) {
// initial request, no cache, so makes a http call
// call is within ttl, if the response of the initial call is received, it is shared
// refer to network fetch policy in the `advanced usage` section
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2900) // 2.9 seconds
// ttl of the initial call is expired, make a new call, cache and return the response
// refer to network fetch policy in the `advanced usage` section
setTimeout(() => {
}, 3100) // 3.1 seconds
// fetch some specific data from the api
fetchSomeData() {
// build a context for cachify interceptor
const context: CachifyContextMeta = makeCachifyContext({
policy: CachifyFetchPolicy.CacheFirst
ttl: 60,
key: CACHIFY_AUTO_KEY // auto generate a unique cache key based on given url/params/headers/body
// make http call passing the context in
this.httpClient.get('/api/some-data', { context }).pipe(first()).subscribe(data => {
Advanced Usage
Available Network Policies
By default all the following policies are enabled. You can also only enable a limited number of polices as per your requirements.
export enum CachifyFetchPolicy {
// cache-off: This fetch policy will never return your initial data from the cache. Instead it will
// always make a network request. Unlike the network-only policy, it will not write any data to
// the cache after the query completes. This fetch policy strives to keep client and server state in-sync
// at all time. Usage: JWT token request.
CacheOff = 'cache-off',
// cache-only: This fetch policy will never execute a network query. Instead it will always
// try reading from the cache. If the query data does not exist in the cache then an error
// will be thrown. This fetch policy allows for local client cache interaction without making
// any network requests. This fetch policy strives to keep your app fast at the cost of possible
// inconsistency with the server. Usage: Loading the app while in Airplane mode
CacheOnly = 'cache-only',
// cache-first: This fetch policy always tries reading data from the cache first. If the
// requested data is found in cache then it will be returned. It will only fetch from the network
// if a cached result is not available. This fetch policy strives to speed up the rendering of
// components, by minimizing the number of network requests. Usage: Defer http responses of a long list
CacheFirst = 'cache-first',
// network-only: This fetch policy will never return the initial data from the cache.
// Instead it will always executes a network request to the server, then saves a copy of it in cache.
// This fetch policy strives to optimize for data consistency with the server, but at the cost of an
// fresh response to the user when one is available. Usage: User authentication request
NetworkOnly = 'network-only',
// network-first: This fetch policy will make a network request,
// Instead it will always executes a network request to the server. This fetch policy
// strives to optimize for data consistency with the server, but at the cost of an instant
// response to the user when one is available.
NetworkFirst = 'network-first',
// cache-and-network: This fetch policy will first try to read data from the cache.
// If the requested data is found in cache then it will be returned. However, regardless
// the cache data, this fetchPolicy will always execute a network query.
// This fetch policy strives to optimize for a quick response while also trying to keep
// cached data consistent with the server data at the cost of extra network requests.
CacheAndNetwork = 'cache-and-network',
Custom cache key per each call
Should you require a custom key make specifically for a http call, you can create such key and pass it through as follow.
// create a cache key based on a given dataset, in a fixed order
const cacheKey = new OrderedStatePath()
.append('user', 1000)
.append('portfolio', 2)
.append('symbols', 'all')
const context: CachifyContextMeta = makeCachifyContext({
policy: CachifyFetchPolicy.NetworkFirst,
ttl: 60,
key: cacheKey // 'user.[1000].portfolio.[2].symbols.[all]' (not auto-generated)
this.httpClient.get('/api/some-data', { context }).pipe(first()).subscribe(data => {
Released under a (MIT) license.
X.Y.Z Version
`MAJOR` version -- making incompatible API changes
`MINOR` version -- adding functionality in a backwards-compatible manner
`PATCH` version -- making backwards-compatible bug fixes