Minimum operable service template for internal FullDive products
Minimum operable service template for fulldive backend services
WARN: this is an internal FullDive software published into public NPM.
Requirements checklist
- [ ] ability to create own interfaces (REST) using hemera plugin loader
- [ ] documentation generator
- [x] code validation eslint
- [x] code autoformat prettier
- [x] ability to launch in docker Dockerfile
- [x] console logging in JSON using hemera logger (additional setup requred)
- [x] configuration over environment 'config' module
- [x] ability to launch several instances hemera base behaviour
- [ ] JWT token auth
- [ ] prometheus metrics
- [ ] grafana dashboard
- [ ] http livechecks
- [ ] http readycheck
- [x] opentracing support hemera plugin
- [x] code coverage nyc in boilerplate
- [x] functional tests (everyday development) mocha + hemera mocks in boilerplate
- [ ] intergration tests (deployments)
- [ ] CI pipeline
- [x] deployment scripts scripts in launcher
- [ ] graceful shutdown (SIGTERM support)
- [ ] scaffolding create/update new service from the template using yeoman/slush/lineman/plop ?