A template for electron and build with webpack & react
A template for electron and build with webpack & react.
English | 简体中文
Getting started
At first, you can install the cli tools by following commands:
npm i -g @fujia/cli-core
# or using yarn
yarn global add @fujia/cli-core
then, to initial a project with the template via above cli tools:
# step1. create project folder
mkdir [project name]; cd $_;
# step2. initial project via the template
stage init
# step3. select "default" option.
# step4. select "app" option.
# step5. entering project name and version.
# step3. select "electron-react-webpack" option.
of course, if you don't want to install @fujia/cli-core in global scope, it can initial a project quickly by following commands:
# step1. create project folder
mkdir [project name]; cd $_;
# step2. initial project via the template
npm init stage@latest
# the other steps follow above.
That's all, the project will install the dependencies and devDependencies, then running automatically.
Starting Development
- Start the app in the dev environment:
npm start
- To package apps for the local platform by following command:
npm run release
however, please note that the project should have a git repository, otherwise, the above command will fail. By default, it's github, you can see the file scripts/release/index.js
const release = {
// ...
buildInstaller() {
// ...
publish: {
provider: 'github',
repo: '',
releaseType: 'release',
// token: process.env.GH_TOKEN,
publish: 'always',
// ...
you can add remote github repository manually, or using the following command:
stage publish
tips:if you have installed cli tools of @fujia/cli-core, the stage command is available in the global scope.
- Build unpacked dir which useful to test.
npm run pack
By default, we have disabled node integration, why? seeing here
if you want to enable the option or use native modules, please make the following changes:
- target: ['web', 'electron-renderer'],
+ target: 'electron-renderer',
- library: {
- type: 'umd',
- },
entry: {
main: srcMainEntryPath,
- preload: srcMainPreloadPath,
webPreferences: {
+ nodeIntegration: true,
+ contextIsolation: false,
- preload: app.isPackaged
- ? path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')
- : path.join(__dirname, '../../release/bundled/preload.js'),
MIT © electron-webpack-react-template
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