## Interface
type IdentifierString = string
type DateValue = number
type DateString = string
type CronString = string
type DateOption = DateValue | DateString | Date
type ScheduleOption = CronString | DateOption | null
type CronDate = Date | {
addYear(): void,
addMonth(): void,
addDay(): void,
addHour(): void,
addMinute(): void,
addSecond(): void,
subtractYear(): void,
subtractMonth(): void,
subtractDay(): void,
subtractHour(): void,
subtractMinute(): void,
subtractSecond(): void,
toDate(): Date,
isLastDayOfMonth(): boolean,
isLastWeekdayOfMonth(): boolean
type CronExpression = {
next(): CronDate,
prev(): CronDate,
hasNext(): boolean,
hasPrev(): boolean,
iterate(steps: number, callback?: Function): Array<CronDate>,
reset(newDate?: number | string | Date): void,
stringify(includeSeconds?: boolean): string
declare class Schedule {
constructor(id: IdentifierString, schedule: ScheduleOption): this
/** The 'id' of the schedule represents the event that will be triggered for the scheduler. */
id: IdentifierString
/** A getter to the time this schedule will trigger next in epoch milliseconds. */
nextTime: DateValue
/** A getter to the time this schedule has triggered last in epoch milliseconds. */
lastTime: DateValue
/** An indicator whether the schedule has been destroyed or not. A destroyed schedule cannot be recovered. */
destroyed: boolean
/** The trigger method is usually called by the scheduler but can be called manually. */
trigger(): this
/** The 'trigger' event occurs when the trigger function is called. */
onTrigger(callback: Function): this
on(event: 'trigger' | 'update' | 'destroy', callback: Function): this
once(event: 'trigger' | 'update' | 'destroy', callback: Function): this
off(event: 'trigger' | 'update' | 'destroy', callback: Function): this
/** A generic json representation for the current schedule state. */
toJSON(): { id: IdentifierString, manual?: boolean, onetime?: boolean, recurring?: boolean, lastTime?: DateValue, nextTime?: DateValue, destroyed?: boolean }
declare class Scheduler {
constructor(schedules?: { [key: IdentifierString]: ScheduleOption }): this
/** A method to check whether a specific 'id' is already scheduled. */
isScheduled(scheduleId: IdentifierString): boolean
/** A method to check whether an object is a schedule from this scheduler. */
isSchedule(schedule: Schedule): boolean
/** A method to retrieve an existing schedule. */
getSchedule(scheduleId: IdentifierString): Schedule | null
/** A method to create a new schedule. Depending on the input argument the schedule is recurring or triggered once. */
createSchedule(scheduleId: IdentifierString, scheduleTime: ScheduleOption): Schedule
/** A method to append a schedule that has been created outside the scheduler. */
appendSchedule(schedule: Schedule): Schedule
/** A method to remove a recurring schedule or a one time schedule that has not been triggered yet. */
removeSchedule(scheduleId: IdentifierString): this
on(event: IdentifierString, callback: (schedule: Schedule) => any): this
once(event: IdentifierString, callback: (schedule: Schedule) => any): this
off(event: IdentifierString, callback: (schedule: Schedule) => any): this
declare function isCronString(value: unknown): value is CronString
declare function parseCronExpression(value: CronString): CronExpression