## Interface
import 'rdf-parse'
import 'rdf-serialize'
import '@fua/module.persistence'
interface rdf {
contentTypes: ['text/turtle', 'application/ld+json', 'text/rdf+xml', 'application/n-quads', 'application/n-triples', 'application/trig'];
wrapFactory(factory: TermFactory): Object<string, Function>;
parseStream(textStream: Stream<string>, contentType: string, factory: TermFactory): Stream<Quad>;
serializeStream(quadStream: Stream<Quad>, contentType: string, factory: TermFactory): Stream<string>;
serializeDataset(dataset: Dataset, contentType: string): Promise<string>;
transformStream(quadStream: Stream<Quad>, transformer: (Quad, TermFactory) => Quad, factory: TermFactory): Stream<Quad>;
loadDataFiles(config: FuaLoadRDF | Array<FuaLoadRDF>, factory?: TermFactory): Promise<Array<FuaLoadResult>>;
generateGraph(dataset: Dataset, options?: { compact?: boolean, meshed?: boolean, blanks?: boolean, lists?: boolean, prefixes?: boolean, strings?: boolean, types?: boolean }): Map<URI, Object>;
shaclValidate(dataset: Dataset, shapeset: Dataset): Promise<Dataset>;
interface FuaLoadRDF {
'@context'?: 'fua.load.rdf'; // optional: load config identifier
'dct:identifier': string; // absolute file path for function calls, for load files also relative path allowed
'dct:format': string; // contentType of the file, 'application/fua.load+js' / '...+json' are available
'dct:title'?: string; // optional: the title of the file
'dct:alternative'?: string; // optional: an alternative title for the file
'dct:requires'?: Array<FuaLoadRDF>; // optional: an array of requirements
interface FuaLoadResult {
identifier: string; // the absolute path of the file
format: string; // the content type of the file
title: string; // the title of the load config or the filename
alternative: string; // an alternative supplied title from the config
requires: Array<string>; // reference identifiers from other results
dataset?: Dataset; // optional: if the format was an rdf content type, it will contain the loaded data
const loadDataFiles = function (config: FuaLoadRDF | Array<FuaLoadRDF>, factory?: TermFactory): Promise<Array<FuaLoadResult>>;
// load specific rdf files (returns FuaLoadResult array with separated datasets containing the parsed data):
const load_ttl_results = await loadDataFiles([{
'dct:identifier': joinPath(__dirname, 'data-a.ttl'),
'dct:format': 'text/turtle'
}, {
'dct:identifier': joinPath(__dirname, 'data-b.json'),
'dct:format': 'application/ld+json'
// load rdf-load-script with FuaLoadRDF syntax (termFactory is optional, but contains context data):
const load_script_results = await loadDataFiles({
'dct:identifier': joinPath(__dirname, 'load.js'),
'dct:format': 'application/fua.load+js'
}, termFactory);
// make an object of the results with the titles as keys (unique titles assumed):
const script_result = Object.fromEntries(load_script_results.map(result => [result.title, result]));
// merge the data of all loaded datasets into one (using the same termFactory):
const script_data = new Dataset(null, termFactory);
load_script_results.filter(result => result.dataset).forEach(result => script_data.add(result.dataset));
interface Literal {
'@value': string;
'@language': string;
'@type': string | Resource | Array<string | Resource>;
interface Resource {
'@id': string;
[key: string]: string | Literal | Resource | List | Array<string | Literal | Resource | List>;
interface List {
'@list': Array<string | Literal | Resource>;
add(elem: string | Literal | Resource): void;
insert(pos: number, elem: string | Literal | Resource): void;
remove(pos: number): string | Literal | Resource;
interface Graph extends Map {
set(id: string | Resource, resource: Resource): Resource;
add(resource: Resource): Resource;
delete(id: string | Resource): boolean;
remove(id: string | Resource): Resource;
toArray(): Array<Resource>;
toDataset(): Dataset;
filter(iteratee: (resource: Resource, id: string, graph: Graph) => boolean): Array<Resource>;
queryAll(pathExpression: string): Array<any>;
getAllByType(...types: Array<string | Resource>): Array<Resource>;
getAllByAnyType(...types: Array<string | Resource>): Array<Resource>;
interface GraphOptions {
meshed?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, all nodes in the graph get connected.
// With this option disabled, all nodes in the graph refer to each other with an {'@id'} reference.
blanks?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, all generated blank nodes get added to the graph.
// With this option disabled, blank nodes are only available on the refering node.
// Disabling this option enforced nesting for blanks nodes, although the meshed option might be disabled.
compact?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, references are only placed in arrays for more than one element.
// With this option disabled, references are always generated as arrays.
lists?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, rdf:list references are collected as a json-ld list.
// With this option disabled, lists are chains of references like in datasets.
prefixes?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, the prefixes from the datasets get used as is.
// With this option disabled, prefixes are resolved back to full iris.
strings?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, xsd:string literals are generated as plain strings.
// With this option disabled, all literals are generated as a literal object, no matter what.
types?: boolean;
// With this option enabled, @type references are generated like all other relations with an object reference.
// With this option disabled, @type references are generated with string iris like usually in json-ld.
const graphOptionPresets = {
'default': {
// This preset is actually empty, because by default all options are enabled.
meshed: true,
blanks: true,
compact: true,
lists: true,
prefixes: true,
strings: true,
types: true
'flat': {
meshed: false,
blanks: true,
compact: false,
lists: false,
prefixes: false,
strings: false,
types: false
'minimal': {
meshed: true,
blanks: false,
compact: true,
lists: true,
prefixes: true,
strings: true,
types: false
const generateGraph = function (dataset: Dataset, options: GraphOptions | 'default' | 'flat' | 'minimal'): Graph;