GitHub Light theme for the CodeMirror code editor
A library of custom themes for CodeMirror 6.
is a theme for CodeMirror 6 editor, making it visually engaging and adaptable to different coding styles and user preferences.
Table of contents
To add @fsegurai/codemirror-theme-github-light
along with CodeMirror 6 to your package.json
use the following commands.
npm install @fsegurai/codemirror-theme-github-light codemirror@^6.0.0 --save
Using Theme
Import the respective theme from the package and apply it to your CodeMirror instance as shown below.
import { EditorView, basicSetup } from 'codemirror'
import { markdown } from '@codemirror/lang-markdown'
import { githubLight } from '@fsegurai/codemirror-theme-basic-github-light'
let editor = new EditorView({
doc: '# Hello World',
extensions: [
parent: document.body
Read the CodeMirror documentation for more details about themes.
Available Themes
- All - Bundle
- Abcdef
- Abyss
- Android Studio
- Andromeda
- Basic Dark
- Basic Light
- Forest
- GitHub Dark
- GitHub Light
- Gruvbox Dark
- Gruvbox Light
- Material Dark
- Material Light
- Monokai
- Nord
- Palenight
- Solarized Dark
- Solarized Light
- Tokyo Night Day
- Tokyo Night Storm
- Volcano
- VS Code Dark
- VS Code Light
For a full list, see the @fsegurai/codemirror-theme-bundle directory or the online demo.
Demo Application
To see all themes in action, check out the demo: https://fsegurai.github.io/codemirror-themes.
To set up the demo locally:
git clone https://github.com/fsegurai/codemirror-themes.git
npm install
npm start
This will serve the application locally at http://[::1]:8000.
Licensed under MIT.