Mocking graphql schema capabilities
- Mock your GraphQL data based on a schema.
yarn add @fruits-chain/qiufen-pro-graphql-mock -D
- step1:Create the "qiufen.config.js" configuration file in the project root directory.
- step2:Configure the type of the object
interface GraphqlKitConfig {
/** your qiufen service port */
port: number
/** backend service config */
endpoint: ServiceConfig
/** local graphql schema file path */
localSchemaFile?: string
/** use either local schema or remote schema, if unset, remote will be used */
schemaPolicy?: SchemaPolicy
/** mock config */
mock?: MockConfig
interface ServiceConfig {
/** backend service url */
url: string
interface MockConfig {
/** value map rules, you should add all your scalar type mappers here or you'll get an error */
scalarMap: any
/** graphql resolvers for operations, you can custom operation response here */
resolvers?: any
type SchemaPolicy = 'local' | 'remote'
interface PlaygroundConfig {
/** request headers */
headers?: Record<string, string>
- step3:Go to configure "qiufen.config.js".
// demo of configure
const Mock = require('mockjs')
const { GraphqlKitConfig } = require('@fruits-chain/qiufen-pro-graphql-mock')
const { Random } = Mock
/** @typedef {GraphqlKitConfig} Config **/
/** @type Config */
const config = {
port: 4200,
// Local schema file path
localSchemaFile: './src/graphql/generated/schema.graphql',
// "remote" | "local". When the remote gateway fails, you are advised to set it to "local" and specify the path of the local schema file.
schemaPolicy: 'remote',
endpoint: {
// remote schema address
url: 'http://localhost:4000/graphql',
mock: {
scalarMap: {
Int: () => Random.integer(0, 100),
String: () => Random.ctitle(2, 4),
ID: () => Random.id(),
Boolean: () => Random.boolean(),
BigDecimal: () => Random.integer(0, 1000000),
Float: () => Random.float(0, 100),
Date: () => Random.date(),
DateTime: () => Random.datetime(),
Long: () => Random.integer(0, 10000),
NumberOrBoolOrStringOrNull: () => null,
NumberOrString: () => null,
Object: () => ({}),
resolvers: {
Query: {
/* Custom field interface return */
// ListTaskBoard: () => {
// return [
// {
// commodityName: "111111111",
// commoditySpecOptionName: "争11232131231212果",
// commodityTypeName: "样情",
// completedQuantity: "府委产",
// createBy: "火传离那",
// customerName: "布红系",
// customerTypeName: "报件指加",
// expectSaleQuantity: "容规数",
// index: 47,
// leaderName: "车做",
// line: "质身管手",
// planId: "320000201903036414",
// planProductionQuantity: "年着",
// productionType: "专本学",
// schedule: "再严今花",
// },
// ]
// },
module.exports = config
- step4:
const {
} = require('@fruits-chain/qiufen-pro-graphql-mock')
- step5: If you want to customize the configuration
import { startMockingServer } = require('@fruits-chain/qiufen-pro-graphql-mock')
startMockingServer(config) // config above