This is a just a wrapper for solc-js meant to simplify its use in build tasks and provide some functionality usually expected when handling Solidity projects
What is this?
This is a just a wrapper for solc-js meant to simplify its use in build tasks and provide some functionality usually expected when handling Solidity projects.
What extra functionality does it provide?
- Handles importing Solidity files from node_modules.
- Strongly typed compilation results.
Should I use this?
Currently it's not to be considered stable and it's pretty much ad-hoc code extracted from reused code in the building process of several Solidity projects.
So, use at your own discretion and don't rely on its interface staying backward compatible.
How do I use this?
import compileSolidity from '@frugal-wizard/solidity-compiler-wrapper';
const compiled = compileSolidity('path/to/contracts', 'Contract.sol', { optimizer: { enabled: true } });
// ethers
const contract = new ethers.Contract(address, compiled['Contract'].abi, signerOrProvider);
const contractFactory = ethers.ContractFactory.fromSolidity(compiled['Contract'], signer);
// web3
const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(compiled['Contract'].abi);
How do I use the CLI command?
wsolc <contractsDir>
compile solitidy files
contractsDir Contracts folder
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--outputDir Output folder [default: <contractsDir>]
--saveInputJson Save input JSON [boolean]
--optimize Enable optimizer [boolean]
--prettyJson Output prettified JSON [boolean]
--viaIR Change compilation pipeline to go through the Yul
intermediate representation [boolean]
--evmVersion Version of the EVM to compile for
[choices: "homestead", "tangerineWhistle", "spuriousDragon", "byzantium",
"constantinople", "petersburg", "istanbul", "berlin", "london", "paris",