This is a code generator that takes the JSON produced by the solidity compiler and creates typescript code for interacting with the corresponding smart contracts
What is this?
This is a code generator that takes the JSON produced by the solidity compiler and creates typescript code for interacting with the corresponding smart contracts.
The generated code requires the library abi2ts-lib as a dependency to work.
Currently it depends on ethers but eventually this dependency will be dropped (or at least that is the intention).
What functionality does it provide?
- A class for each smart contract.
- A class method for each smart contract function (overloading not yet supported).
- Method arguments are mapped to appropriate javascript types.
- Additional methods for calling contract functions statically.
- Additional methods for estimating gas of a contract function.
- Additional methods for encoding or creating the transaction for a contract function.
- An Error class for each smart contract defined error.
- Throws the appropriate error on a static call if the error type is known at runtime.
- A class for each smart contract defined event.
- Transaction events are provided in their respective class if the event type is known at runtime.
Should I use this?
Currently it's not to be considered stable.
Use at your own discretion and don't rely on its interface staying backward compatible.
How do I use this?
// builing the code
import { abi2ts } from '@frugalwizard/abi2ts';
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs';
writeFileSync('Contract.ts', abi2ts(readFileSync('Contract.json')));
// using the code
import { Contract, CustomError, CustomEvent } from './Contract';
(async () => {
const deployedContract = await Contract.deploy(...args);
const contract = Contract.at(deployedContract.address);
try {
const returnValue = await contract.staticCall.writeMethod(...args);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof CustomError) {
// handle error
const { events } = await contract.writeMethod(...args);
for (const event of events) {
if (event instanceof CustomEvent) {
// handle event
const returnValue = await contract.readMethod(...args);