Frontegg React.JS components
Frontegg React
Frontegg is a web platform where SaaS companies can set up their fully managed, scalable and brand aware - SaaS features and integrate them into their SaaS portals in up to 5 lines of code.
Use the package manager npm to install frontegg React.JS library.
npm install @frontegg/react
Frontegg offers multiple components for integration with the Frontegg's scaleable back-end and front end libraries
Frontegg react library requires simple one-liner configuration in order to efficiently interact with the Backend's Frontegg middleware
(*) Checkout the @frontegg/client documentation to read on how to configure the Frontegg backend middleware
Initializaing the Frontegg Configuration
On your App.js:
import * as Frontegg from '@frontegg/react'
// This method is mandatory in order to resolve the authorization header token
const resolveToken = async () => {
const token = await getTokenSilently(); // This sample is based on Auth0 but every authentication provider is supported (Including Frontegg :-))
return token;
// This method allows to append additional query params to the frontegg requests in case you need to use it on your backend in order to resolve contexts
const resolveAdditionalQueryParams = async () => {
return [{key: 'my-additional-query-param', value: 'my-addition-query-param-value'}]
// This method allows to append additional headers to the frontegg requests in case you need to use it on your backend in order to resolve contexts
const resolveAdditionalHeaders = async () => {
return [{key: 'my-additional-query-param', value: 'my-addition-query-param-value'}]
return token;
const providerOptions = {
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9090', // You backend base URL (frontegg will direct the requests to it)
tokenResolver: resolveToken, // The token resolver (this is mandatory)
additionalQueryParamsResolver: resolveAdditionalQueryParams, // The query params resolver (this is optional)
additionalHeadersResolver: resolveAdditionalHeaders, // The headers resolver (this is optional)
// requestCredentials: "include" // Support sending credentials on the fetch request to the backend (this is optional)
// And wrap Frontegg components with the context provider
<Frontegg.ContextProvider value={providerOptions}>
Let your customers record the events, activities and changes made to their tenant.
Frontegg’s Managed Audit Logs feature allows a SaaS company to embed an end-to-end working feature in just 5 lines of code.
Embedding the Managed Audits component is a simple one-liner
import * as Frontegg from '@frontegg/react'
const AuditsContainer = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Frontegg.ContextProvider value={providerOptions}>
<Frontegg.Audits />
The pagination mode can be controlled by using the paginationMode prop
import * as Frontegg from '@frontegg/react'
const AuditsContainer = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Frontegg.ContextProvider value={providerOptions}>
<Frontegg.Audits paginationMode="scroll | pagination" />
Passing predefined filters is also possible (to load a specific contextual audit logs). That will pre-filter the audits and will not show the pre-filtered columns on the table :-)
import * as Frontegg from '@frontegg/react'
const AuditsContainer = () => {
return (
<div className="App">
<Frontegg.ContextProvider value={providerOptions}>
<Frontegg.Audits predefinedFilters={{
"resource": "dashboard",
"action": "Accessed"
}} />