My personal set of utilities for NodeJS
A set of utilities I use when doing silly stuff in nodejs.
Some of it is completely outdated and unused, but some of it is used by things I'm trying to expose for the music player.
Someday, I'll add some tests for this stuff...
This is a simplistic API for getting and saving 'configuration' data as simple JSON files. It provies synchronous & asynchronous api's to get configuration data (load from a file), and set configuration data (write to a file), as well as a function to get the path to the file for a given piece of data.
For my own silliness of naming, everything comes in lots of names, but they are all completely interchangeable:
// aliases: GetSync, Read, ReadSync, Load, and LoadSync
function Get(name:string) => unknown | void;
// aliases: ReadAsync, LoadAsync
function GetAsync(name:string) => Promise<unknown | void>;
Given a string name, return an optional data type, or a promise containing that (for the Async version).
// aliases: SetSync, Write, WriteSync, Save, SaveSync
function Set(name: string, data: unknown) => void;
// aliases: SaveAsync, WriteAsync
function SetAsync(name: string, data: unknown) => Promise<void>;
Given a string name and an unknown type, saves that value for future
This takes a string URL and tries to open a browser to that location. It currently only works on MacOS and Windows, because I have no idea how to do this on Linux, and only have a Raspberry Pi to do anything that's actually linux (I use WSL for a lovely Ubuntu-ish command line on Windows, but that's not the same thing...)
A few helpful functions:
function size(filePath:string) => number;
function sizeAsync(filePath:string) => Promise<number>;
Return the file size for the string path provided.
function arrayToTextFile(arr:Array<string>, filePath:string) => void;
function arrayToTextFileAsync(arr:Array<string>, filePath:string) => Promise<void>;
Writes the array of strings to the file provided, separated by newlines apropriate for the platform you're on (LF's or CRLF's).
function textFileToArray(filePath:string) => Array<string>;
function textFileToArrayAsync(filePath:string) => Promise<Array<string>>;
Reads the filePath provided and returns the array of lines of text from the file.
A couple helpers for path name creation & manipulation:
function getTemp(name:string, ext:?string) => string;
Given a name, and an optional file extension, return a likely unique path to use as a temp file.
function getExtNoDot(fileName:string) => string;
Returns the file extension of fileName
without a leading '.' because that's
function changeExt(fileName:string, newExt:string) => string;
Switches the file extension to newExt
for the path fileName
3 helpers for spawning processes.
// Exported from the node-freik-utils module
type spawnResult = {
output: Array<string>, // Array of results from stdio output.
stdout: Buffer | string, // The contents of output[1].
stderr: Buffer | string, // The contents of output[2].
signal: string | null, // The signal that terminated the output
status: number | null, // The exit code of the subprocess or
// null if the subprocess terminated due to a signal.
error?: Object // The error
// sO == child_process$spawnOpts
// sSO == child_process$spawnSyncOpts
function spawnAsync(command:string, args: ?Array<string>, options:?sO) => Promise<spawnResult>;
function spawnRes(command:string, args: ?Array<string>, options:?sSO) => boolean;
function spawnResAsync(command:string, args:?Array<string>, options:?sO) => Promise<boolean>;
These three helpers wrap process spawning from node.child_process
self-contained blobs. I'm clearly getting sick of writing documentation...