Twig template adapter for Fractal.
Twig template enginge adapter for Fractal.
Requires Fractal v1.1.0 or greater.
To install this adapter run this command:
npm install @frctl/twig
then open your fractal.js file and add following lines:
* Require the Twig adapter
const twigAdapter = require('@frctl/twig')();
fractal.components.set('ext', '.twig');
Using Twig for docs
To use Twig for docs, set the docs engine to @frctl/twig
Extending with a custom config
* Require the Twig adapter
const twigAdapter = require('@frctl/twig')({
// if pristine is set to true, bundled filters, functions, tests
// and tags are not registered.
// default is false
pristine: false,
// if importContext is set to true, all include calls are passed
// the component's context
// default is false
importContext: false,
// use custom handle prefix
// this will change your includes to {% include '%button' %}
// default is '@'
handlePrefix: '%',
// set a base path for twigjs
// Setting base to '/' will make sure all resolved render paths
// start at the defined components dir, instead of being relative.
// default is null
base: '/',
// should missing variable/keys emit an error message
// If false, they default to null.
// default is false
strict_variables: true,
// define Twig namespaces, see https://github.com/twigjs/twig.js/wiki#namespaces
// this may break some fractal functionality, like including components via their handles and the render tag
namespaces: {
'Components': './components'
// use twig.js default template loader
// this will allow including templates via relative paths, like twig.js or PHP Twig does by default
// changing this will break including components via their fractal handles
// changing this will break the custom render tag
// default is 'fractal'
method: 'fs',
// register custom filters
filters: {
// usage: {{ label|capitalize }}
capitalize: function(str) {
if (!str) return '';
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
// register custom functions
functions: {
// usage: {{ capitalize(label) }}
capitalize: function(str) {
if (!str) return '';
return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
// register custom tests
tests: {
// usage: {% if label is equalToNull %}
equalToNull: function(param) {
return param === null;
// register custom tags
tags: {
flag: function(Twig) {
// usage: {% flag "ajax" %}
// all credit to https://github.com/twigjs/twig.js/wiki/Extending-twig.js-With-Custom-Tags
return {
// unique name for tag type
type: "flag",
// regex match for tag (flag white-space anything)
regex: /^flag\s+(.+)$/,
// this is a standalone tag and doesn't require a following tag
next: [ ],
open: true,
// runs on matched tokens when the template is loaded. (once per template)
compile: function (token) {
var expression = token.match[1];
// Compile the expression. (turns the string into tokens)
token.stack = Twig.expression.compile.apply(this, [{
type: Twig.expression.type.expression,
value: expression
delete token.match;
return token;
// Runs when the template is rendered
parse: function (token, context, chain) {
// parse the tokens into a value with the render context
var name = Twig.expression.parse.apply(this, [token.stack, context]),
output = '';
flags[name] = true;
return {
chain: false,
output: output
Using external plugins
An example to use twig-js-markdown:
const twigMarkdown = require('twig-markdown');
const instance = fractal.components.engine(twigAdapter);
// instance.twig refers to the twig.js instance
Included filters
Takes a root-relative path and re-writes it if required to make it work in static HTML exports.
It is strongly recommended to use this filter whenever you need to link to any static assets from your templates.
The path argument should begin with a slash and be relative to the web root. During a static HTML export this path will then be re-written to be relative to the current page.
{{ '/css/my-stylesheet.css'|path }}
Included tags
The render tag renders a component (referenced by its handle) using the context data provided to it. If no data is provided, it will use the context data defined within the component's configuration file, if it has one.
{% render "@component" with {some: 'values'} %}