> Name of the High Level Architecture Module this repository refers to. Pick one of the names listed in the Confluence page [(SRM) HLA diagram](https://sdp.finconsgroup.com/confluence/x/ZZ5TAQ).
High Level Architecture - Module
Name of the High Level Architecture Module this repository refers to. Pick one of the names listed in the Confluence page (SRM) HLA diagram.
Short description of the functionalities provided by this piece of software in the context of the Smart Component.
Link to the interface agreements
For each available interface, list the pair
type - agreement
is one the items below
- Command-Line Interface (CLI)
- Graphical-User Interface (GUI)
- GraphQL API (use OpenAPI 3.0.2 specification)
- Message/Event-Based API (use AsyncAPI 1.2.0 specification)
- REST API (use OpenAPI 3.0.2 specification)
- SOAP API (use WSDL 2.0 specification)
is the URI to the local file or the Confluence page that describes the Interface Agreement of each available interfaceBelow you can find the skeleton of the table to fill in.
Repository layout
- layout of files and folders in the repository
- it is worthwhile to mention any command you run to create the skeleton (e.g.
npx express-generator
ornpx create-react-app
)- content and purpose for all folders and files at the top level of the repository and for any other folders and files required to build, run and deploy the code in the repository
Add the pieces of information above to the following list.
- .gitlab/merge_request_templates - list of templates to use when you submit a merge request. See Using the templates for details on how to select the template when you submit a merge request.
- master template to fill in when you submit a merge request with target branch
- master template to fill in when you submit a merge request with target branch
- BUILDME.md - detailed instructions on
- how to run unit tests and static analysis
- how to create a deployable package for the code in this repository
- COPYRIGHT - copyright notice
- DEPLOYME.md - detailed instructions on
- how to run locally the code in this repository or the package built by following the instructions in BUILDME.md
- how to run the code
- LICENSE - licensing terms
- README.md - this file
Git Etiquette
Git Etiquette defines the branching workflow that applies to this repository: it is available on Confluence.