A powerful and flexible form validation library.
Fortress Validator
A powerful and flexible form validation library.
Using with ES Modules
Import the module and use it in your code:
import { FormValidator } from '@fortress-validator/fortress';
const validator = new FormValidator();
window.onload = () => {
document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const result = validator
Using with UMD Modules
Include the UMD script in your HTML file and use it:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@fortress-validator/fortress/dist/index.umd.js"></script>
const validator = new window.Fortress.FormValidator();
window.onload = () => {
document.querySelector('input').addEventListener('input', (e) => {
const result = validator
Available Rules
| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| accepted
| Passes if the field's value is considered accepted (i.e., 'y', 'yes', 'on', '1', 'true'). |
| after
| Passes if the field's value is a date that occurs after the specified date. |
| alpha
| Passes if the field's value contains only letters. |
| alphaDash
| Passes if the field's value contains only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores. |
| alphaDashDot
| Passes if the field's value contains only letters, numbers, dashes, underscores and dots. |
| alphaNum
| Passes if the field's value contains only letters and numbers. |
| array
| Passes if the field's value is an array. |
| ascii
| Passes if the field's value contains only ASCII characters and symbols. |
| before
| Passes if the field's value is a date that occurs before the specified date. |
| between
| Passes if the field's value is between the specified minimum and maximum values. |
| boolean
| Passes if the field's value is a boolean. |
| containsAll
| Passes if the field's value contains all the specified values. |
| containsAny
| Passes if the field's value contains at least one of the specified values. |
| declined
| Passes if the field's value is considered declined (i.e., 'n', 'no', 'off', '0', 'false'). |
| different
| Passes if the field's value is different from the specified value in the given field. |
| distinct
| Passes if all the items in the array field's value are unique. |
| date
| Passes if the field's value matches the specified date format. |
| email
| Passes if the field's value is a valid email address. |
| endsWith
| Passes if the field's value ends with one of the specified values. |
| equals
| Passes if the field's value is equal to the specified value. |
| file
| Passes if the field's value is a file. |
| in
| Passes if the field's value is one of the specified values. |
| integer
| Passes if the field's value is an integer. |
| iso8601
| Passes if the field's value is a valid ISO 8601 date. |
| json
| Passes if the field's value is a valid JSON string. |
| jsonSchema
| Passes if the field's value matches the specified JSON schema. |
| lowercase
| Passes if the field's value contains only lowercase characters. |
| max
| Passes if the field's value does not exceed the specified maximum. |
| min
| Passes if the field's value is at least the specified minimum. |
| notEquals
| Passes if the field's value is not equal to the specified value. |
| notIn
| Passes if the field's value is not one of the specified values. |
| number
| Passes if the field's value is a number. |
| numeric
| Passes if the field's value contains only numeric characters. |
| regex
| Passes if the field's value matches the specified regular expression. |
| required
| Passes if the field's value is not empty. |
| requiredWhen
| Passes if the field's value is not empty when the specified condition is true. |
| same
| Passes if the field's value is the same as the specified value in the given field. |
| size
| Passes if the field's value matches the specified size. |
| startsWith
| Passes if the field's value starts with one of the specified values. |
| string
| Passes if the field's value is a string. |
| unique
| Passes if the field's value contains only unique items, with optional ignored values. |
| uppercase
| Passes if the field's value contains only uppercase characters. |
| url
| Passes if the field's value is a valid URL. |
Available Methods
| Name | Description |
| --- | --- |
| collect
| Collects the rule functions. |
| validate
| Validates the field's value. |
| apply
| Applies the specified rule with the given arguments, useful for applying custom rules. |
| when
| Determines whether to apply or skip validation based on the provided conditions. |
Available Plugins
Custom Plugin
A custom plugin is composed of rules
and locales
, allowing you to define custom validation logic and locale-specific messages.
const validator = new FormValidator({
plugins: [
rules: {
multipleOf: (({ factor }: { factor: number }) => (input: unknown) => Number(input) % factor === 0) as Rule<unknown>,
locales: {
en: {
multipleOf: (field, args) => {
const { factor } = args as { factor: number };
return `The ${field} field must be a multiple of ${factor}.`;
.apply('multipleOf', { factor: 2 });
const result = validator.validate(1);
// Output:
// The input field must be a multiple of 2.
To start a local development server, run:
npm run dev
To run the tests for this package, run:
npm run test