Core UI of Fortna-WES
Fortna Core Project
Core Client Development: Base Application.
- src/client : include all code about UI
- scr/client/index.js:
- export all default screens, components, store and widgets.
- scr/client/start.js:
- Core UI will expose all functions over this file.
- Application will be start based on this file.
- src/assets : keep static files that can be loaded in app.
- src/client/components : folder includes all components to be injected in screens or widgets.
- src/client/screens : folder includes all basic screens.
- src/client/store : folder will keep all state of application, followed by VueX.
- src/client/widgets : folder will keep application widgets can be dynamic loaded or setting (Admin/Supervisor).
- src/client/stylus : folder will keep default stylesheet of product, can be overrided by project.
Core Server Development
- src/server: folder includes initial file, manage Dbconnector, default APIs, restful services and socket.io.