form-field from Forter Components
An element that contained field by different types
import '@forter/form-field';
<!-- field options -->
<fc-form-field type="
" .options="${['foo','bar']}"></fc-form-field>
<!-- input with warning -->
<fc-form-field type="number" label="foo" warning="Low Amount"></fc-form-field>
<!-- select with warning -->
<fc-form-field type="dropdown" label="foo" warning="Low Amount"></fc-form-field>
| Property | Attribute | Type | Default | Description |
| allowOtherOption
| allow-other-option
| string
| | The additional "other" value in case of fields with multiple options that allow adding custom value |
| boldable
| boldable
| boolean
| false | If the field is boldable |
| chipsType
| chips-type
| boolean
| | Type of the chips (example: "more") |
| clearable
| clearable
| boolean
| false | If the field is clearable |
| currencysymbol
| currencysymbol
| string
| | Currency symbol to show in currency type input field (example: "$", "₪") |
| dateOptions
| dateOptions
| any
| {} | For date input, additional options for the date picker to pass |
| dirty
| dirty
| boolean
| false | If the field is dirty |
| disabled
| disabled
| boolean
| false | If the field is disabled |
| extended
| extended
| boolean
| false | If fc-input width should be extended |
| format
| format
| string
| | Date Format. default: MM/DD/YYYY
, example: DD MMM YYYY HH:mm
| hideResize
| hideResize
| boolean
| false | If hide resize in textarea |
| label
| label
| string
| | Label of the field |
| max
| max
| number
| | Validate minimum of number value |
| maxlength
| maxlength
| number
| | Validate maxlength of string value |
| menu
| menu
| boolean
| | Whether or not the chips menu is enabled |
| min
| min
| number
| | Validate minimum of number value |
| minlength
| minlength
| number
| | Validate minimum length of string value |
| options
| options
| any[]
| | |
| otherOptionValue
| other-option-value
| string
| | The additional "other" value in case of fields with multiple options that allow adding custom value |
| path
| path
| string
| | Path of the the field what will be set on the fc-form model (example: "user.firstName", "user.email") |
| pattern
| pattern
| any[]
| | Pattern validation |
| placeholder
| placeholder
| string
| | Placeholder in case of input types when no value |
| readonly
| readonly
| boolean
| false | If the field is readonly |
| renderErrorMessage
| | "" \| TemplateResult[]
| | |
| required
| required
| string
| | Setter for single value field |
| rows
| rows
| boolean
| "2" | Rows in textarea |
| singleSelection
| single-selection
| boolean
| false | If multi field allow choosing only single value |
| type
| type
| "number" \| "text" \| "tags" \| "dropdown" \| "date" \| "button-group" \| "currency" \| "select" \| "textarea" \| "chips" \| "segmented-control" \| "radio-group"
| "text" | Type of the field - can be existing types such as: text, number, tags, dropdown or name of the type in the 'custom-renderers' object passed to fc-form. |
| valid
| valid
| boolean
| true | Internal Observables |
| validations
| validations
| any[]
| | List of the validation name to run when value is changed |
| value
| value
| string
| | Setter for single value field |
| values
| values
| any[]
| | Setter for multi values field |
| warning
| warning
| "" \| TemplateResult
| | |
| Event |
| field-removed
CSS Custom Properties
| Property | Description |
| --fc-form-field-disabled-color
| disabled color. example: gray