Reduced version of Foldmaker
This is a reduced version of Foldmaker that only exposes Foldmaker
and tokenize
functions, and f
class. Great for figuring out how Foldmaker works, since core utilities are tokenize
function and parse
method. The aim is to see how tiny Foldmaker's algorithm can be. FoldmakerObject class (f
in this case), only has parse
, _replace
, add
methods. These methods are oftenly adequate for tree generation.
Differences from the main version:
- There is no
methods andvisitor
helper. - Is not easily pluggable like the main version.
method does not set'1'
for unset token types.parse
method does not havedebug
callback as the last argument.parse
method does not haveprops
key in its callback argument, as soon as you won't do something like source mapping this is not important though.
Most Foldmaker examples that uses no more than Foldmaker
, tokenize
, visitor
and parse
method should also be able to work with this version. There is only the following slight change:
While parse method works like this in Foldmaker:
parse([visitor(regex1, fn1), visitor(regex2, fn2)])
In this version, it works like this:
parse([regex1, fn1], [regex2, fn2])
parse([regex1, fn1])
When minified, whole code looks like this:
class f{constructor(e){let t=e;this.types=t?e.map(e=>e.type).join(""):"",this.values=t?e
.map(e=>e.value):[]}parse(...e){(e=e.map(([e,t])=>[t,e])).push([()=>void 0,/[\s\n\S]/]);
let t=this;do{t=t._replace(t,e)}while(!0===t.m);return t}add(e,t){this.types+=e,this
.values=this.values.concat(t)}_replace({types:e,values:t},a){let l=new f;return tokenize
(e,a,({type:e,map:a,index:s})=>{let i=a[0].length,n={raw:t.slice(s,i+s),index:s,count:i,
(e,t,a)=>{let l=0,s=[];for(t.push(["0",/[\s\n\S]/]);e;)t.some(([t,i])=>{let n=i.exec(e);
if(n&&n.index<1){let i=n[0],p=a?a({type:t,value:i,map:n,index:l}):{type:t,value:i};
return p&&s.push(p),e=e.slice(i.length),l+=i.length,!0}});return s});let Foldmaker=e=>new f(e);