A lightweight router for Azure Functions with Swagger integration
Flyweight OpenRoute
A lightweight framework for building Swagger/OpenAPI serverless functions for consumption by Microsoft Power Platform and beyond.
npm i --save @flyweight.cloud/openroute
The goal is for OpenRoute to require little to no modification of your Azure handlers
import { Context, HttpRequest } from "@azure/functions"
import { get } from "@flyweight.cloud/request";
import Swaggerist, { schemaBuilder, Responses, queryParamBuilder, pathParamBuilder } from "@flyweight.cloud/swaggerist";
import { OpenRoute } from "@flyweight.cloud/openroute"
import { HttpError } from "@flyweight.cloud/openroute/lib/errors";
const API_KEY = process.env.OPENWEATHER_API_KEY;
const exampleWeatherApiResponse = {
"coord": {
"lon": -122.08,
"lat": 37.39
"weather": [
"id": 800,
"main": "Clear",
"description": "clear sky",
"icon": "01d"
"base": "stations"
const swaggerBuilder = Swaggerist.create({
info: {
title: "Weather API",
description: "Flyweights demo weather API",
version: "1.0.0",
const app = new OpenRoute({
cors: {
allowOrigin: "*",
allowHeaders: ["*"],
allowMethods: ["*"],
const getCurrentWeatherPathRoute = swaggerBuilder.get("/current/{zipCode}", {
operationId: "getCurrentWeatherByZip",
parameters: [...pathParamBuilder({zipCode: "12345"})],
responses: {
200: Responses.Success(schemaBuilder(exampleWeatherApiResponse)),
app.route(getCurrentWeatherPathRoute, async (context: Context, req: HttpRequest, openRoute: OpenRoute): Promise<void> => {
context.log("HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
const zipCode = context.bindingData.zipCode
let url = `https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?zip=${zipCode}&appid=${API_KEY}`
const weather = await get(url)
context.res = {
body: weather.body,
headers: openRoute.defaultHeaders(),
export default app.getHttpTrigger();
You will also need to modify function.json to add a 'catch-all' route
"route": "weather/{*route}"
Check out DemoFunc to see the full featured function and it's settings.