The **FInfiniteList** component is a wrapper for the IntersectionObserver API and the **useVirtualList** composable from [@vueuse/core](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@vueuse/core) that combines their features and adds a simple way to render items every ti
Infinite List for Vue
The FInfiniteList component is a wrapper for the IntersectionObserver API and the useVirtualList composable from @vueuse/core that combines their features and adds a simple way to render items every time the user scrolls down the page.
Auto-import (optional)
import { createApp } from "vue";
import { createInfiniteList } from "@flowsydev/vue-infinite-list";
import App from "./App.vue";
const infiniteList = createInfiniteList();
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from "vue";
import FInfiniteList, { FInfiniteListRef, LoadErrorContext } from "@flowsydev/vue-infinite-list";
// Fictitious model and service used to manage customer data
import type { Customer } from "@/composables/customer-service";
import { useCustomerService } from "@/composables/customer-service";
const { loadCustomers } = useCustomerService();
const searchTerm = ref("");
// Exposed props and methods of the <f-infinite-list> component
const infiniteList = ref<FInfiniteListRef>();
infiniteList will have the following members:
- pageNumber: ComputedRef<number> (the page number used to load the last set of items)
- realItems: ComputedRef<any[]> (the full list of items)
- virtualItems: ComputedRef<any[]> (the list of items being rendered)
- isLoading: ComputedRef<boolean> (true if the list is currently fetching items)
- isEmpty: ComputedRef<boolean> (true if the list has no items)
- loadMore: () => Promise<void> (loads the next set of items without requiring the user to scroll down the page)
- reset: () => void (clears the list and resets the value of pageNumber to restart loading items)
async function load(pageNumber: number, pageSize: number): Promise<Array<Customer>> {
// pageNumber => the current page number to load
// pageSize => how many items to load for pageNumber
// Customer could be defined as:
// interface Customer {
// forename: string;
// surname: string;
// fullName: string;
// email: string;
// phoneNumber: string;
// }
return await loadCustomers({ searchTerm: searchTerm.value, pageNumber, pageSize });
function onError(context: LoadErrorContext) {
const { error, pageNumber, pageSize } = context;
console.error("Failed to load items", { error, pageNumber, pageSize });
<!-- Input box to type a search term -->
<input v-model="searchTerm" type="text">
The list of search results to be populated as the user scrolls down the page
load: A function used to load items for the list ( (pageNumber: number, pageSize: number) => any[] )
item-height: Value or function to resolve the item height (used to calculate how many items are rendered in the DOM)
page-size: How many items to load every time the load function is invoked
@error: Event emitted if an error occurs when loading items
<f-infinite-list :load="load" item-height="120" page-size="50" @error="onError">
<!-- The template used to render every item of the list -->
<template #item="{ item, index, first, last, isLoading, style }">
item: The current item (Customer)
index: The zero-based index of the current item
first: This item is the first one of the list (boolean)
last: This item is the last one of the list (boolean)
isLoading: The list is loading items
style: An object with CSS styles for the current item
<div class="row" :style="style">
<div class="col">
{{ index + 1 }}
<div class="col">
<h4>{{ item.fullName }}</h4>
{{ item.email }} <br>
{{ item.phoneNumber }}
<hr v-if="!last">