A Plugin for the Flowcore CLI to generate testing data from data streams
Flowcore CLI Plugin - Testing
A Plugin for the Flowcore CLI to generate testing data from data streams
$ npm install -g @flowcore/cli-plugin-testing
$ testing COMMAND
running command...
$ testing (--version)
@flowcore/cli-plugin-testing/1.1.0 darwin-arm64 node-v20.15.0
$ testing --help [COMMAND]
$ testing COMMAND
testing generate test-set STREAM
Generate a test data set from a stream
$ testing generate test-set STREAM --directory <value> [-e <value>] [-j] [-l] [-m <value>] [-p] [-c] [-s <value>]
[--profile <value>] [--ai] [--filter-in <value>...] [--filter-out <value>...] [--redact-mask <value> --redact
<value>...] [--fake-properties <value>... [--fake-type <value>... --fake <value>...]] [--sample-size <value>]
STREAM stream url to connect to
-c, --scan Scan the full time range
-e, --end=<value> End time to stream to, example: 2024-07-08T12:20:44Z, 1y, 1m, 1w, 1d, 1h, now
-j, --json Output json only
-l, --[no-]live Change to live mode when reaching last time bucket
-m, --max=<value> Maximum number of events to send to the destination
-p, --payload Only send the event payload to the destination
-s, --start=<value> Start time bucket to stream from, example: (2024-07-08T12:20:44Z, 1y, 1m, 1w, 1d,
1h, now)
--ai use AI to process the test set further
--directory=<value> (required) output directory
--fake=<value>... specify json paths to fake fields in the test set
--fake-properties=<value>... specify the properties to use when faking fields "value,key=value,key=value" format,
only applicable if fake-type flag is used, you can use most of the fakerjs api
(https://fakerjs.dev/api/) by using the properties to pass to the method, needs to
be in the same order as the fake flag
--fake-type=<value>... specify the type to use when faking fields, only applicable if fake flag is used,
you can use most of the fakerjs api (https://fakerjs.dev/api/) by using the path to
the method, needs to be in the same order as the fake flag
--filter-in=<value>... specify json paths to keep fields in the test set before processing or storing to
--filter-out=<value>... specify json paths to remove fields from the test set before processing or storing
to disk
--profile=<value> Specify the configuration profile to use
--redact=<value>... specify json paths to redact fields in the test set before processing or storing to
--redact-mask=<value> [default: REDACTED] specify the mask to use when redacting fields, only applicable
if redact flag is used
--sample-size=<value> [default: 100] number of events to collect, defaults to 100, -1 to collect all
Generate a test data set from a stream
$ testing generate test-set <stream> <output-directory>
See code: src/commands/generate/test-set.ts