An Elm-inspired framework for interactive Web Audio applications.
The Flow Framework
An Elm-inspired framework for Web Audio applications. Flow is positioned as an alternative to frameworks like React, with a tight integration with the Web Audio API.
A number of projects exist to provide complete frameworks for building Web Audio applications such as BRAID1, WAAX2, and Flocking3. All of these examples encourage a tight coupling between the UI and the audio graph:
- BRAID relies on global variables and callbacks attached to UI elements to directly manipulate audio nodes.
- WAAX uses Web Components to provide a
method for UI elements. These elements can be connected directly to audio node parameters to control their value. - Similarly, Flocking UI elements directly manipulate audio params.
While such an approach is acceptable for small applications. It becomes increasingly difficult to manage application and audio graph state as an application grows. Relying on global variables as done in BRAID is simply not a scalalbe solution for serious applications, and the tight coupling between UI and audio found in WAAX and Flocking can make it difficult to determine how and when application state is being changed.
Flow takes a different approach in line with more modern frontend frameworks. We argue for strict separation of audio and view code, instead choosing to generate both from a single, immutable model. This prevents one going out of sync with the other while also ensuring that a refactor of the view won't impact how the app handles audio.
Flow also provides a declarative API for Web Audio development that is signficantly clearer than the vanilla Web Audio API. Connections, for example, are much more clearly expressed with Flow's audio library:
// Flow
osc([], [
gain([], [
// Web Audio API
const osc = context.createOscillator()
const amp = context.createGain()
It is also much easier to define reusable sub graphs such as combining the above oscillator and gain node into a reusable synth node:
// Flow
const synth = (freq, vol, connections) =>
osc([ Prop.frequency(freq) ], [
gain([ Prop.gain(vol) ], [
// Web Audio API
const synth = (freq, vol) => {
const osc = context.createOscillator()
const amp = context.createGain()
osc.frequency.value = freq
amp.gain.value = vol
return {
connect (node) {
- [x] Declarative audio API
- [x] "Anonymous" audio nodes
- [x] Clear unidirectional dataflow thanks to the MVU architecture
- [x] Predictable model updates thanks to Actions and single update function
- [x] Managed side effects thanks to Effects
- [x] Plugin system allowing custom events
- [ ] TODO: Time travel debugger
- [ ] TODO: Plugin system allowing custom audio nodes and DOM elements
First, install the library from npm:
npm i @flow-lang/framework
Then make sure your HTMl has an element for Flow to mount to:
<div id="app"></div>
<script src="main.js"></script>
Finally, create a main.js
to init your application:
import { Program, DOM, Audio, Music } from '@flow-lang/framework'
const App = Program.instrument(init, update, audio, view listen)
root: document.querySelector('#app'),
context: new AudioContext()
Docs and Reference
An official guide, complete with examples and a full API reference can be found here.
It's not uncommon for frameworks to have a simple counter application to demonstrate how they work. Flow is no different, but this time it's a counter with an audio twist!
First, import everything we need from Flow
import { Program, DOM, Audio, Music } from '@flow-lang/framework'
The init function is called once when we call App.start
and is used to generate
the initial model for our application. For our counter app we need to keep track
of the current count, and we're also going to define some notes of a chord to
The Music.Note
library contains some handy utilities for converting to and from
different formats. Here we're converting note names to frequency values.
function init () {
const voices = [ 'C3', 'E3', 'G3', 'B3', 'D4', 'G4', 'B4' ]
return {
count: 0,
voices: voices.map(Music.Note.ntof)
Update is called by the runtime whenever a new model needs to be created. Here, we switch on our two actions (Increment and Decrement) to increase or decrease the counter.
Because we're also going to use the count to trigger notes in a chord we need to make sure the counter doesn't dip below 0 or increase above the number of notes we have defined.
const Increment = 0
const Decrement = 1
function update ({ action }, model) {
switch (action) {
case Increment:
if (model.count < model.voices.length) {
return { ...model, count: model.count + 1 }
} else {
return { ...model }
case Decrement:
if (model.count > 0) {
return { ...model, count: model.count - 1 }
} else {
return { ...model }
We've declared our two actions as constants in a sort of enum but this isn't necessary. You may wish to use strings instead of numbers (perhaps for better debugging) or not to use constants at all.
The audio function is called every time the model updates. Here, we map over the voices array and map each note into an oscillator. By comparing the current index to the model's count we can conditionally turn off some voices by setting the gain to 0.
function audio ({ count, voices ) {
return voices.map((note, i) =>
Audio.Node.oscillator([ Audio.Property.frequency(note) ], [
Audio.Node.gain([ Audio.Property.gain(i < count ? 0.1 : 0) ], [
As with the audio function, the view function is also called whenever the model changes.
function view ({ count, voices }) {
return DOM.Element.div([], [
DOM.Element.button([ DOM.Attribute.id('incr') ], [ '+' ]),
DOM.Element.div([], [ count.toString() ]),
DOM.Element.button([ DOM.Attribute.id('decr') ], [ '-' ])
Instead of attaching event listeners to DOM nodes directly, the listen function serves as the single place to define all event listeners. Here we attach click event listeners to the two buttons and return an appropriate action.
function listen (model) {
return [
DOM.Event.click('#incr', e => ({ action: Increment })),
DOM.Event.click('#decr', e => ({ action: Decrement })),
With everything defined we can create a new application. The instrument
is a complete Flow application with an audio, view, and listen function.
The Flow runtime needs to know how to setup and handle different types of events, so we tell our application to use the DOM.Event plugin.
Finally we start the application, supplying a DOM node to inject our view into and an audio context used to create our audio nodes.
const App = Program.instrument(init, update, audio, view, listen)
root: document.querySelector('#app'),
context: new AudioContext()
You can see the code for this example as one piece in examples/counter/. Along with this counter example there are a few other example applications including: