Seamlessly transfer SVG data from server to browser.
Angular Universal SVG Transfer State
Seamlessly transfer SVG data from server to browser.
npm i @flosportsinc/ng-svg-transfer-state
Table of Contents
Inside your AppModule
install SvgTransferStateModule
like so:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { SvgTransferStateModule } from '@flosportsinc/ng-svg-transfer-state'
imports: [
SvgTransferStateModule, // for default configuration { styles: { height: '18px' }, parentStyleKeys: ['height', 'width'] }
SvgTransferStateModule.config({ // or use your own custom settings
styles: { height: '48px', fill: 'green' },
parentStyleKeys: ['height'] // the container element (ex: <i>, <span>, etc) will also get these styles applied to it.
export class AppBrowserModule { }
Inside your BrowserModule
(or AppModule
if you are not using a universal server) install SvgTransferStateBrowserModule
like so:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { SvgTransferStateBrowserModule } from '@flosportsinc/ng-svg-transfer-state/browser'
imports: [
SvgTransferStateBrowserModule, // with default root (defaults to "assets/svg")
dir: 'public/assets/svg', // with custom root
cacheMaxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 // will cache in user's localstorage for 7 days, by default cache is only per session.
export class AppBrowserModule { }
If you have a Universal app you will need to include the SvgTransferStateServerModule
in AppServerModule
like so:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'
import { SvgTransferStateServerModule } from '@flosportsinc/ng-svg-transfer-state/server'
// To customize the director where your SVG assets live on the node server use .withSvgAssetRoot()
// By default it sets the root directory to "./dist/assets/svg"
imports: [
SvgTransferStateServerModule, // with default root (defaults to "./dist/assets/svg")
SvgTransferStateServerModule.withSvgAssetRoot('dist/flo-angular/browser/assets/svg') // with custom root
export class AppServerModule { }
Both the server and client can cache http and file lookup requests.
Server Caching
// server.ts (your node.js express server)
// this example uses the npm package "lru-cache"
// npm install lru-cache @types/lru-cache
import { ngExpressEngine } from '@nguniversal/express-engine'
import { SVG_SERVER_CACHE } from '@flosportsinc/ng-svg-transfer-state'
import * as lru from 'lru-cache' // it is not required to use this specific package
// it is imperative that the DI token for the cache is injected in the node server itself
// not from within the angular application. Otherwise a new cache would be spawned each time
// and the values would not be shared globally accross requests - defeating the purpose
// By providing a cache object, both externally fetched SVGs and local file svgs will be cached
// this should dramatically reduce server load time as no network or readFile requests are made if the
// svg is cached.
app.engine('html', ngExpressEngine({
bootstrap: AppServerModuleNgFactory,
providers: [
useValue: new lru({ maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 }) // cache is bypassed if the last cache write has expired.
Client Caching
Simplest usage with default settings applied
<i floSvg="twitter"></i>
With applied styles
<!-- recommend placing settings object in typescript component controller instead of inlining -->
<i floSvg="twitter" [floSvgStyles]="{ fill: 'blue', height: '72px' }"></i>
With external sources
<!-- make sure CORS headers are legit and proper XML is returned -->
<i floSvg="https://my-awesome-icon.svg"></i>