MongoDB connection for Flora
MongoDB data source for Flora.
The module has to be added to a Flora config file by using the dataSources
module.exports = {
dataSources: {
mongodb: {
constructor: require('@florajs/datasource-mongodb'),
options: {
server: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017
Alternatively, a Replica Set can be used:
module.exports = {
dataSources: {
mongodb: {
constructor: require('@florajs/datasource-mongodb'),
options: {
replicaSet: 'mycluster',
servers: [
{ host: 'mongo-1', port: 27017 },
{ host: 'mongo-2', port: 27017 },
Other additional options:
module.exports = {
dataSources: {
mongodb: {
constructor: require('@florajs/datasource-mongodb'),
options: {
ssl: true,
authSource: 'admin',
server: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 27017
username: 'dbuser',
password: 'dbpassword',
Given you want to use the database "mydatabase" on the host configured above. To map "mycollection" to a resource, the following XML can be used:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<resource primaryKey="id" xmlns:flora="urn:flora:options">
<flora:dataSource type="mongodb" database="mydatabase" collection="mycollection"/>
<id type="int" storedType="string" map="user" order="true"/>
<data type="raw"/>
Objects in the database look like this (storedType is used to convert the numerical "id" to the string representation in the database):
id: '123456',
data: {
someKey: 'someValue',
someOtherKey: {
foo: 'bar',
Known issue when using ObjectID as primary key
Due to the flora module currently lacking data source specific type casting, it is needed to convert IDs to ObjectIDs when using ObjectIDs as primary keys:
module.exports = (api) => ({
extensions: {
preExecute: ({ request }) => {
// Replace values for "_id" with ObjectID in filters
if (request.type === 'mongodb' && request.filter) {
const dataSource = api.dataSources[request.type];
request.filter.forEach((andFilters) => {
andFilters.forEach((condition) => {
if (condition.attribute === '_id') {
if (Array.isArray(condition.value)) {
condition.value = condition.value.map((value) => dataSource.ObjectID(value));
} else {
condition.value = dataSource.ObjectID(condition.value);