Flink plugin that provides a generic user authentification solution.
Generic Auth Plugin Docs
A FLINK plugin that provides a generic and easy to use user system.
This plugin is dependent on other flink plugins:
This plugin enables the following functionalities:
- User creation
- User login
- Change user password
- Password reset routine (with email)
- User profile
- Push notification token management
Plugin can both be used by accessing core functions by calling them directly from your code, or by using the embedded API endpoints.
Install plugin to your flink app project:
npm i -S @flink-app/generic-auth-plugin
The setup of this plugin contains a few different steps. Please follow each steps before trying to use the plugin.
Step 1 - Adding a user repo
The plugin needs a repo to store the users in.
Add this repo to your project by first adding src/repos/UserRepo.ts
import { FlinkRepo } from "@flink-app/flink";
import { Ctx } from "../Ctx";
import { User } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
class UserRepo extends FlinkRepo<Ctx, User> {}
export default UserRepo;
And add the repo to your ApplicationContext src/Ctx.ts
import { FlinkContext } from "@flink-app/flink";
import UserRepo from "./repos/UserRepo";
export interface Ctx extends FlinkContext {
repos: {
userRepo : UserRepo
Step 2 - Configure auth to your app
Create a configured instance of JwtAuthPlugin by using the helper function getJtwTokenPlugin()
and configure auth property of the FlinkApp in index.ts
import { FlinkApp } from "@flink-app/flink";
import { Ctx } from "./Ctx";
import { getJtwTokenPlugin } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
const authPlugin = getJtwTokenPlugin("secret");
function start() {
var app = new FlinkApp<Ctx>({
name: "My flink app",
debug: true,
auth : authPlugin,
db: {
uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-flink-app",
plugins: [
Se details and configuration for getJtwTokenPlugin() below.
Step 3 - Initiate the plugin
import { FlinkApp } from "@flink-app/flink";
import { Ctx } from "./Ctx";
import { getJtwTokenPlugin, genericAuthPlugin } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
const authPlugin = getJtwTokenPlugin("secret");
function start() {
var app = new FlinkApp<Ctx>({
name: "My flink app",
debug: true,
auth : authPlugin,
db: {
uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-flink-app",
plugins: [
repoName : "userRepo",
usernameFormat : /.{1,}$/, //Regex to validate username
enableRoutes : true, //Set true to enable API-endpoints
enablePasswordReset : true,
enablePushNotificationTokens : true,
passwordResetSettings : {
email : {
from_address : "[email protected]",
subject : "Your password reset code",
html : "To reset your password use the code {{code}}",
code : {
numberOfDigits : 8,
lifeTime : "1h", //npm package
jwtSecret : "Secret used by password reset"
| Parameter | Description | | -------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | lifeTime | expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span zeit/ms. | | subject / html | expressed in handlebars |
Handlebars context
Context used when processing the handlebars template for subject and html is:
username, //Username of user
code, //The code for the password reset
profile, //Profile of the user
The function have the following definition:
getJtwTokenPlugin(secret: string, rolePermissions?: { [role: string]: string[]; } | undefined, passwordPolicy?: RegExp | undefined): JwtAuthPlugin
| Parameter | Description | | --------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | | secret | A secret string that will be used to encrypt the jwt-token | | rolePermissions | An object with roles as key and arrays of permissions as values | | passwordPolicy | Regex used to validate password |
The rolePermissions parameter specifies which roles have which permissions. Example:
"normal_user" : ["read", "list"],
"admin" : ["read", "list", "write"]
In this plugin the role user
with the permission authenticated
is added automatically. This permission is used to require authenticated user to access a route.
Making authenticated requests
After logging in by calling user/login
any subsequent calls should contain the Bearer Authentification token header like this:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
Limit access to your own handlers
To limit the access to your own handler, specify the "permission" property of the RouteProps of your handler.
To limit access to your handler to any user, modify the Route like this:
export const Route: RouteProps = {
path: "/sample/url",
permission : "authenticated"
To limit access to your handler to a specific permission, specify that permission to the Route like this:
export const Route: RouteProps = {
path: "/sample/url",
permission : "my_permission"
Using API-endpoints
POST /user/create
Creates a new user.
Request data:
"username" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "12345678",
"profile" : {
"age" : 20
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
"user": {
"_id": "id...",
"token": "token...",
"username": "[email protected]"
| Code | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | | error | Internal unknown error | | userExists | User already exists | | passwordError | Password not accepted / not meeting requirements | | usernameError | Username not accepted / not meeting requirements |
POST /user/login
Logs a user in.
Request data:
"username" : "[email protected]",
"password" : "12345678"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
"user": {
"_id": "id...",
"username": "[email protected]",
"token": "token...",
"profile": {
"age": 20
| Code | Description | | ------ | ---------------------------- | | failed | Invalid username or password |
POST /user/password/reset
Initiates a password reset. Username must be in form of an e-mail for the password reset to work.
Request data:
"username" : "[email protected]"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
"passwordResetToken": "token to use later"
| Code | Description | | ------------ | -------------- | | userNotFound | User not found |
POST /user/password/reset/complete
Completes a password reset by supplying the passwordRestToken received from step 1, the code from the email sent to the user and the new password.
Request data:
"passwordResetToken" : "token to use later",
"code" : "12345678",
"password" : "new password"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
| Code | Description | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | invalidCode | Invalid validation code | | passwordError | Password not accepted / does not meet requirements | | userNotFound | User not found |
PUT /user/password
Updates password of the current user. Request needs authentication.
Request data:
"password" : "12345678"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
| Code | Description | | ------------- | -------------------------------------------------- | | failed | Internal unknown error | | passwordError | Password not accepted / does not meet requirements |
GET /user/profile
Gets the user profile of the current user. Request needs authentication.
Response example
"data": {
"age": 20
PUT /user/profile
Updates profile of the current user. Request needs authentication.
Request data:
"age" : "21",
"city" : "Stockholm"
Response example
"data": {
"age": "21",
"city": "Stockholm"
POST /user/push
Adds a push notification token to the user. Request needs authentication.
Request data:
"deviceId" : "xxx",
"token" : "token..."
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
DELETE /user/push
Removes a push notification token from the user. Request needs authentication.
Request data:
"deviceId" : "xxx",
"token" : "token..."
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success"
GET /user/token
Get a refreshed token for the current user. Request needs authentication.
User need to refresh his token if roles or username have been changed.
Response example
"data": {
"token": "token..."
Using plugin functions
As an alternative to use the included API-endpoints you might use the supplied core functions from this plugin to manage some basic tasks.
After initilizing this plugin, these functions are exposed in the app context:
ctx.plugins.genericAuthPlugin.loginUser( repo : FlinkRepo<any, User>, auth : JwtAuthPlugin, username : string, password? : string) : Promise<UserLoginRes>
ctx.plugins.genericAuthPlugin.createUser( repo : FlinkRepo<any, User>, auth : JwtAuthPlugin, username : string, password : string, authentificationMethod : "password" | "sms", roles : string[], profile : UserProfile ) : Promise<UserCreateRes>
ctx.plugins.genericAuthPlugin.changePassword( repo : FlinkRepo<any, User>, auth : JwtAuthPlugin, userId : string, newPassword : string) : Promise<UserPasswordChangeRes>
ctx.plugins.genericAuthPlugin.passwordResetStart( repo : FlinkRepo<any, User>, auth : JwtAuthPlugin, jwtSecret : string, username : string, numberOfDigits? : number, lifeTime? : string) : Promise<UserPasswordResetStartRes>
ctx.plugins.genericAuthPlugin.passwordResetComplete( repo : FlinkRepo<any, User>, auth : JwtAuthPlugin, jwtSecret : string, passwordResetToken : string, code : string, newPassword : string) : Promise<UserPasswordResetCompleteRes>
Deleting users, changing roles and more..
You can always interact directly with the userRepo to modify you users.
Please remember to refresh the users token after changing vital parts of a user.
Using alternativ password and hash functions
You can specify your own methods to generate hash and salt or to verify a password.
To do this, simply specify the createPasswordHashAndSaltMethod
and/or validatePasswordMethod
options on plugin initilizing. Like this:
//This is just a dummy on storing password in plain text. STRONGLY NOT RECOMMENDED.
createPasswordHashAndSaltMethod : (password) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve({ hash : password, salt : "" });
validatePasswordMethod : (password, hash, salt) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve(password == hash);
When validatePasswordMethod
is specified, that method will be used to validate the password. If that method returns false, the default validation will try as well. This will make it possible to use both default password hashes and alternative ones.
How to validate old Aquro / Aplexa passwords?
If you are using this plugin to verify old Aquro / Aplexa passwords, you can simply do this by specifying validatePasswordMethod
and use the same hash-function as Aquro Platform.
Install required plugin
npm install --save password-hash
npm install --save-dev @types/password-hash
Update plugin initialization
import passwordHash from "password-hash";
validatePasswordMethod : (password, hash, salt) => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
resolve(passwordHash.verify(password, hash));
Enabling management-api functions
This plugin supports the management-api-plugin structure to expose management apis.
The management API is used by flink-admin. So to enable managing of app users in flink-admin, you need to exponse this plugins management api functions.
To do this, first install the managemnet-api-plugin and then get the management module from this plugin.
import { GetManagementModule } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
const genericAuthManagementModule = GetManagementModule(
ui : true, //Enable UI for this module in flink-admin-portal
uiSettings : {
title : "App users", //Title of this module
enableUserEdit, : true //Make it possible to edit the user
enableUserCreate, : true //Make it possible to create new users
enableUserDelete, : true //Make it possible to delete the user
enableUserView, : true //Make it possible to view a user
Finally add the management module to the list of modules in the managementApiPlugin config:
function start() {
new FlinkApp<Ctx>({
name: "My flink app",
debug: true,
auth : authPlugin,
loader: (file: any) => import(file),
db: {
uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-flink-app",
plugins: [
repoName : "userRepo",
token : "TOKEN",
jwtSecret : "SECRET",
modules : [
Enable user viewing
To make it possible to view data for a user, you will need to first enable the enableUserView
You can also provide a function that returns the data that should be shown of the user. This function can also be extended to return a list of buttons that will be added to the toolbar.
import { GetManagementModule } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
const genericAuthManagementModule = GetManagementModule(
ui : true, //Enable UI for this module in flink-admin-portal
uiSettings : {
title : "App users", //Title of this module
enableUserEdit, : true //Make it possible to edit the user
enableUserCreate, : true //Make it possible to create new users
enableUserDelete, : true //Make it possible to delete the user
enableUserView, : true //Make it possible to view a user
userView: {
getData(user: User) {
let data: {
[key: string]: string
} = {
'E-mail': user.username,
'Profile property' : user.profile.Property.toString()
let buttons: {
text: string
url: string
}[] = []
text: 'Visit google',
url: 'https://www.google.com',
return {
Make it possible to edit profile properites
To make it possible to edit profile properties when editing users, you must expose the JSON-schema of the profile.
To do this, follow these steps:
Step 1:
Create a Schema file for your profile properties, eg. schemas/ProfileProperties.ts
Step 2:
Configure flink to generate schema files by editing package.json file and replace
"flink:generate": "flink generate"
"flink:generate": "flink generate && flink generate-schema"
Step 3:
Restart your flink app (to generate the JSON-schemeas)
Step 4:
Import the JSON-schema and pass it to the GetManagementModule
import { GetManagementModule } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
import schemas from "../.flink/schemas.json";
const genericAuthManagementModule = GetManagementModule(
ui : true, //Enable UI for this module in flink-admin-portal
profileSchema : schemas.ProfileProperties,
uiSettings : {
title : "App users", //Title of this module
enableUserEdit, : true //Make it possible to edit the user
enableUserCreate, : true //Make it possible to create new users
enableUserDelete, : true //Make it possible to delete the user
Please note that only string and enum property types can be edited from the flink-admin interface.
✅ Do:
export interface ProfileProperties{
name : string;
city : string;
gender : "male" | "female" | "any";
❌ Dont:
type myType = {
hello : string,
world : string
export interface Profile{
name : string;
type : myType
Using SMS login
- A SMS client must be setup using the sms-plugin
- Configure this plugin by setting the sms option:
import { FlinkApp } from "@flink-app/flink";
import { Ctx } from "./Ctx";
import { getJtwTokenPlugin, genericAuthPlugin } from "@flink-app/generic-auth-plugin"
const authPlugin = getJtwTokenPlugin("secret");
function start() {
var app = new FlinkApp<Ctx>({
name: "My flink app",
debug: true,
auth : authPlugin,
db: {
uri: "mongodb://localhost:27017/my-flink-app",
plugins: [
sms : {
smsClient: new sms46elksClient({
username: "XXX",
password: "YYY",
smsFrom: "AUTHMSG",
smsMessage: "Your code is {{code}}",
jwtToken: "secret-to-sign-jwt-tokens",
codeType: "numeric",
codeLength: 6
Register users with SMS-login
To use SMS-login on a user, the user must be created with the authentificationMethod
option set to sms.
Username also have to be the users phone number in the "+4671234567" format.
POST /user/create
Create a user that can login via SMS
Request data:
"username" : "+4671234567",
"authentificationMethod" : "sms"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success",
Initiate login
Initiate a user login by sending a SMS with the code to the user.
Please note that the user HAVE to be created with the authentificationMethod
option set to sms.
POST /user/login
Request data:
"username" : "+4671234567",
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success",
"validationToken": "TOKEN"
Finalize the login by sending the token received above, and the code received via SMS.
POST /user/login-by-token
Request data:
"token" : "TOKEN",
"code" : "code"
Response example
"data": {
"status": "success",
"user": {
"_id": "1234...",
"username": "+4671234567",
"token": "Token",
"profile": {}
"status": 200