An HTML5 VNC client
Welcome to novnc
This project was forked from novnc (github)
npm install
npm install @flexem/novnc --save
Usage & Steps
- 获取VNC接口Token
getVncToken(): Observable<VncTokenDto> {
const self = this;
const url = (!self.appConfig.vncUrl ? self.appConfig.asApiUrl + '/vnc' : self.appConfig.vncUrl) + '/api/server';
const ret: VncTokenDto = new VncTokenDto();
return self.httpClient.get(url).map((response) => {
ret.id = response.id;
ret.ip = response.ip;
ret.port = response.port;
ret.token = response.token;
return ret;
}).catch((error: HttpError) => {
return Observable.throw(error);
- 调用FBOX接口开启VNC连接
openVnc(box: BoxRegistration, param: OpenVncDto): Observable<boolean> {
const self = this;
const url_ = box.cs.apiBaseUrl + 'v2/box/' + box.id + '/openvnc';
return self.httpClient.post(url_, param).map((response) => {
return true;
}).catch((error: HttpError) => {
return Observable.throw(error);
- 接收FBOX Signalr返回的开启VNC状态
this.hubProxy.on('openVncStatus', (boxNo, id, status, token) => {
const self = this;
self.events.publish('openVncStatus', boxNo, id, status, token);
error code
"1": "设备网络不通,请检查设备VNC服务是否开启"
"2": "服务器网络不通"
"3": "校验码验证无效"
"4": "设备连接数过多"
- html body添加div
<div id="vnccreen"></div>
- js调用RFB
connect() {
const self = this;
const url = (!self.boxInformationProxy.appConfig.vncUrl ? self.boxInformationProxy.appConfig.asApiUrl
: self.boxInformationProxy.appConfig.vncUrl).replace('http://', 'ws://').replace('https://', 'wss://')
+ '/websockify?token=' + self.vncParams.token;
const options = {
credentials: null
if (self.vncParams.password) {
options.credentials = { password: self.vncParams.password };
self.rfb = new RFB(document.getElementById('vnccreen'), url, options);
// Add listeners to important events from the RFB module
self.rfb.addEventListener('connect', (e) => {
self.connectedToServer(e, self);
self.rfb.addEventListener('disconnect', (e) => {
self.disconnectedFromServer(e, self);
self.rfb.addEventListener('credentialsrequired', (e) => {
self.credentialsAreRequired(e, self);
self.rfb.addEventListener('securityfailure', (e) => {
self.securityFailed(e, self);
self.rfb.addEventListener('desktopname', (e) => {
self.updateDesktopName(e, self);
// Set parameters that can be changed on an active connection
// self.rfb.viewOnly = self.vncParams.viewonly === true;
self.rfb.scaleViewport = self.vncParams.scale === true;
self.rfb.qualityLevel = 1;
// self.rfb.dragViewport = true;
self.rfb.dragDelayMs = 300;
self.rfb._keyboard.onkeyevent = self.onKeyEvent;
connectedToServer(e, self) {
self.status(self.l('VNC.VncConnectedTo') + self.desktopName);
disconnectedFromServer(e, self) {
if (e.detail.clean) {
} else {
self.showAlert(self.l('VNC.VncConnectionError'), self.l('VNC.VncConnectionErrorAlert'), true);
credentialsAreRequired(e, self) {
const prompt = this.alertCtrl.create({
title: self.l('VNC.VncPasswordPrompt'),
message: '',
inputs: [
name: 'Password',
placeholder: self.l('VNC.VncPassword')
buttons: [
text: self.l('Cancel'),
handler: (data) => {
text: self.l('OK'),
handler: (data) => {
self.rfb.sendCredentials({ password: data.Password });
securityFailed(e, self) {
let msg = '';
if ('reason' in e.detail) {
msg = 'New connection has been rejected with reason: ' + e.detail.reason;
} else {
msg = 'New connection has been rejected';
self.showAlert(msg, null, true);
updateDesktopName(e, self) {
self.desktopName = e.detail.name;
status(text) {
onKeyEvent(keysym: any, code: any, down: any): void {
showAlert(title: string, subTitle?: string, back = false): void {
const self = this;
const alert = self.alertCtrl.create({
title: title || 'Message',
subTitle: subTitle,
buttons: [self.l('OK')]
if (back) {