Microsoft Client SDK for building app for Microsoft teams
This package was published as a temporary fix for registerOnRemoveHandler not working for connectors. It was forked from @microsoft/teams-js 1.6.0. Please check the original repo to see if this has been fixed before using this one.
Microsoft Teams JavaScript Library
This JavaScript library is part of the Microsoft Teams developer platform. For documentation, see Reference: Microsoft Teams JavaScript library.
Getting Started
- Clone the repo
- Navigate to the repo root
yarn install
yarn build
- to run Unit test
yarn test
To install the stable version:
npm install --save @microsoft/teams-js
yarn add @microsoft/teams-js
You can access these files on unpkg, download them, or point your package manager to them.
As a npm package
Install either using npm or yarn
If you are using any dependency loader such as RequireJS or SystemJS or module bundler such as browserify, webpack, you can use import
syntax to import specific modules. For e.g.
import * as microsoftTeams from "@microsoft/teams-js";
As a Script Tag
Reference the library inside of your .html
page using:
<!-- Microsoft Teams JavaScript API (via CDN) -->
<script src="https://statics.teams.cdn.office.net/sdk/v1.6.0/js/MicrosoftTeams.min.js" integrity="sha384-mhp2E+BLMiZLe7rDIzj19WjgXJeI32NkPvrvvZBrMi5IvWup/1NUfS5xuYN5S3VT" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<!-- Microsoft Teams JavaScript API (via npm) -->
<script src="node_modules/@microsoft/[email protected]/dist/MicrosoftTeams.min.js"></script>
<!-- Microsoft Teams JavaScript API (via local) -->
<script src="MicrosoftTeams.min.js"></script>
We strongly welcome and encourage contributions to this project. Please read the contributor's guide.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.