date-agnostic time parsing for node and the browser (forked from time-js package)
Parses time input with no relation to dates, with the option to convert to the next immediate corresponding Date.
Built to solve this problem. Forked from zackdever/time.
$ npm install @flat/time
var t = Time('2p');
t.hours(); // 2
t.militaryHours(); // 14
t.minutes(); // 0
t.period(); // 'pm'
t.toString(); // '2:00 pm'
t.nextDate(); // Sep 10 2:00 (assuming it is 1 o'clock Sep 10)
t.format('hh:mm AM') // '02:00 PM'
t.isValid(); // true
Time.isValid('99:12'); // false
// you get the idea, or see below for more ideas
Some example uses can be viewed in examples.html.
Parses strings such as "8:20" into a Date-less Time.
new Time('1') // 1:00
new Time('13') // 1:00 pm
new Time('1:23') // 1:23
If you fancy it, you can use safely drop the 'new'.
Time('1.23') // 1:23
Time('123') // 1:23
am/pm can optionally be specified.
Time('8:30 pm') // 8:30 pm
Time('3p') // 3:00 pm
Time('3 A.M.') // 3:00 am
Converts Time into the next corresponding JavaScript Date.
// assume it's 3:15 pm Aug 10
Time('415').nextDate() // 4:15 pm Aug 10
Time('2').nextDate() // 2:00 am Aug 11
Time('2 pm').nextDate() // 2:00 pm Aug 11
Does validation statically...
Time.isValid('8:00') // true
Time.isValid('12:60') // false
Time.isValid('13:23') // true
... or after construction.
Time('1').isValid() // true
Time('12.0').isValid() // false
Time('12:202').isValid() // false
There's basic formatting
Time('2:30p').format('hh:mm A'); // '02:30 P'
Time('2:30p').format('HH:mm'); // '14:30'
Time('12 am').format('h: p'); // '12 a'
Time('220 a').format('h: p'); // '2:20 a'
Time('7').format('h: p'); // '7'
Accepts numbers too.
Time(1).isValid() // true
Military (24-hour) time support
Time('13').format('hh:mm AM'); // '01:00 PM'
Time('2:30p').format('HH:mm'); // '14:30'
Time('14:30').format('h:mm AM'); // '2:30 PM'
Time('0000').format('h:mm AM'); // '12:00 AM'
Time('2400').isValid(); // false (contrary to ISO8601)
ISO8601 time component (without seconds) support
Time('12:00 am').toISOString(); // '00:00'
Time('12:00 pm').toISOString(); // '12:00'
Time('11:00 pm').toISOString(); // '23:00'
$ npm test