@teqfw/di demo: main application (web & nodejs).
This is an npm package with 2 applications (web & Node.js) to demonstrate the usage of the same JavaScript code in the browser and Node.js without any transformations, just with dependency injection (@teqfw/di):
The code in this package (@flancer64/demo-di-app) has dependencies on another package (@flancer64/demo-di-lib). To load the sources, you just need to configure the resolver for both Node.js and browser code. All other code remains unchanged.
// ./index.js
import {dirname, join} from 'node:path';
import Container from '@teqfw/di';
// Create the objects container
/** @type {TeqFw_Di_Api_Container} */
const container = new Container();
// Add path mapping for the sources (app itself and used library)
const root = dirname(import.meta.url);
const pathApp = join(root, 'src');
const pathLib = join(root, 'node_modules', '@flancer64', 'demo-di-lib', 'src');
const resolver = container.getResolver();
resolver.addNamespaceRoot('App_', pathApp);
resolver.addNamespaceRoot('Sample_Lib_', pathLib);
// Compose the application and run it
const app = await container.get('App_Main$');
app('Hello from the Node.js!');
<!-- ./index.html -->
<script type="module">
import Container from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@teqfw/[email protected]/+esm';
// Create the objects container
/** @type {TeqFw_Di_Api_Container} */
const container = new Container();
// Add path mapping for the sources (app itself and used library)
const url = new URL(location.href);
const root = url.pathname.replace('index.html', '');
const pathApp = url.origin + root + 'src'; // load app sources locally
const pathLib = 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flancer64/[email protected]/src'; // load lib sources from CDN
const resolver = container.getResolver();
resolver.addNamespaceRoot('App_', pathApp);
resolver.addNamespaceRoot('Sample_Lib_', pathLib);
// Get the application from the container (as singleton) and run it
const app = await container.get('App_Main$');
app('Hello from the Web!');