Abstract layer built on top of d3
Reusable chart visualizations where dynamic data consistent data structures are key.
Prevent code repetition.
Getting started
npm install @fishawack/lab-d3
Basic usage
Add a color list variable to your defaults.scss
which is used to generate the colors for all charts.
$colors-list: $color1 $color2 $color3 $color4;
Import the base lab-d3 style code in your general.scss.
@import "@fishawack/lab-d3/_Build/sass/components/_chart.scss";
Add a html tag that the script can attach onto. The labD3 parent is used for positioning.
<div class="labD3">
<svg id="chart--bar"></svg>
Initialize the chart with the selector from the html above.
import { Bar } from "@fishawack/lab-d3";
var myBar = new Bar('#chart--bar')
{"value": 10},
{"value": 20}
HTML rich text isn't supported in the charts (due to IE not supporting foreignObject tag) so if you need superscript you'll need to use the following characters as a compromise but please check with the writer/editor that this is acceptable as it's almost always easier to move the references off the charts and put them elsewhere.
Resizing charts is a pretty deep subject, you might think.. this is svg, surely it resizes automatically? That is true, but being a chart that's drawn via javascript and needs maths to calculate positions its not as simple as it looks. I'll go over the 2 main ways to do resizing and the ups and downsides of each
On resize event
This may seem finicky, but this is the suggested route to take. By listening to the window resize event and calling .resize().renderSync() on the chart object we can recalculate the underlying maths instantly.
window.onresize = function() {
The main up side to this approach is all font sizes will be maintained. This means even if the screen is now half the size, the text will still be 16px rather than scaling down to 8px.
Hard set width
By default charts will take their parents width and use their aspect ratio to size themselves. You can however pass in a hard coded width and/or height. This basically makes it so that when the chart is at that width it will appear as intended. If the screen grows or shrinks then the chart will scale up and down relative to the hardcoded width
width: 400
Use this if its a fixed width site as it removes the need for event handlers. This method also makes charts work more like images where the text in the chart will shrink relative to the width compared to its hardcoded width.
Rotated chart
Here are the key values that need setting when rotating a chart, these could be different depending on the chart you are using. Ensure you set sensible min/max values for the x axis if you still can't see the visualization
scale: {
x: 'linear',
y: 'group'
plot: {
x: 'key',
y: 'value'
autoAxis: "y"
colors : ["fill1", "fill2", "fill3", "fill4"],
colorsKey : "key",
minmaxKey : "key",
aspectRatio : 0.5625,
width: 0,
height: 0,
transitionType: "CubicInOut",
transitionSpeed: 800,
delaySpeed : 0,
stagger : 800,
startOpacity: 0,
hide: {},
min: {
x: null,
y: null
max: {
x: null,
y: null
minmax: 0.01,
label: {
x: null,
y: null
labelWidth: "auto",
roundPoints: false,
cb: null,
plot: {
x: "key",
y: "value",
value: "value",
label: "label"
tooltip: {
totalCount: 100,
value: {
structure: "{value}",
decimal: 0,
html: false,
format: {
value: ".0f",
percent: ".0f",
total: ".0f"
offset: {
ratio: false,
y: 0,
x: 0
chockData: false
margin : {ratio: false, top: 10, right: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10},
padding : {ratio: false, outer: 0, inner: 0, space: 10},
axis: {
x: {
ratio: false,
flip: false,
reverse: false,
rotate: false,
inside: false,
hide: false,
ticks: 5,
structure: null,
format: {
value: null,
percent: ".0f",
total: ".0f"
tickValues: null,
tickSizeInner: null,
tickSizeOuter: null
y: {
ratio: false,
flip: false,
reverse: false,
rotate: false,
inside: false,
hide: false,
ticks: 5,
structure: null,
format: {
value: null,
percent: ".0f",
total: ".0f"
tickValues: null,
tickSizeInner: null,
tickSizeOuter: null
scale: {
x: "band",
y: "linear"
autoAxis: "x",
parseDate: d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d"),
formatDate: d3.timeFormat("%Y-%m-%d"),
primaryIndex: null,
symbols: ["Cross"],
symbolColors : ["fill2"],
symbolsSize: 100,
symbolsRatio: false,
symbolsKey : "key",
symbolColorsKey : "key",
radius: {
top: {
left: 4,
right: 4
bottom: {
left: 4,
right: 4
inject: {},
prepend: false