Compile Svelte components inside Brunch projects
Forked from sveltejs-brunch. May include additional changes, newer versions of dependencies, and/or bug fixes that are not in the upstream repo. Changes will be submitted via pull request.
WARNING! Version 2.0.0 or > has been converted from CJS to ESM. If you want to use this plugin you will need to use it in conjunction with @firstfleet/brunch. @firstfleet/brunch
is a fork of the most recent version of brunch, but has been modified to support both CJS and ESM brunch plugins.
Compile Svelte 3 components inside Brunch projects.
- Extract the CSS into a separate file
- Support CSS & JS Sourcemaps
- Preprocessing of markup, style, script
- Define file extensions which should be compiled
- Pass any Svelte compiler option
npm install --save-dev @firstfleet/sveltejs-brunch
By default all *.svelte.html
, .svelte
files are compiled, unless you use the pattern
Advanced usage
module.exports.plugins = {
sveltejs: {
// To extract the CSS into files, simply include to extractCSS option in your Brunch config like so...
extractCSS: true,
// To combine the sourcemaps from all components into one
combineSourceMapCSS: true,
// The generated combined css file
out: './public/components.css',
// By default, svelte, svelte.html are used.
pattern: /\.(svelte|html)$/
// Optionally, preprocess components with svelte.preprocess:
// https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte#preprocessor-options
preprocess: {
style: ({ content }) => {
return transformStyles(content)
// Other compiler options https://github.com/sveltejs/svelte#compiler-options
Current list of deviations from origional sveltejs-brunch repo
- Bug fix for sourcemap generation in brunch PR
- Bug fix for svelte preprocessor. The preprocessor call was not correctly passing through the filename to the preprocessor plugin.
- Has been converted to ESM (ES Module) to work in conjunction with