Configuration using TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier with integration with Visual Code
Configuration using TypeScript, ESLint, Prettier with Visual Code integration
Set of rules and plugins for ESLint to be used in First Factory projects
Usage in React apps
Install the following dependencies
with npm
npm install eslint \
@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config \
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^2.34.0 \
eslint-config-airbnb-typescript \
eslint-config-prettier \
eslint-plugin-import@^2.22.0 \
eslint-plugin-jest \
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@^6.3.1 \
eslint-plugin-prettier \
eslint-plugin-react@^7.20.5 \
eslint-plugin-react-hooks@^2.5.1 \
prettier \
with yarn
yarn add -D eslint \
@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config \
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^2.34.0 \
eslint-config-airbnb-typescript \
eslint-config-prettier \
eslint-plugin-import@^2.22.0 \
eslint-plugin-jest \
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y@^6.3.1 \
eslint-plugin-prettier \
eslint-plugin-react@^7.20.5 \
eslint-plugin-react-hooks@^2.5.1 \
prettier \
Create a .eslintrc file with the following content:
"extends": "./node_modules/@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config/react",
"parserOptions": {
"project": "./tsconfig.json",
"createDefaultProgram": true
Include the following scripts in your package.json file:
"lint": "eslint --resolve-plugins-relative-to ./ --ext .js,.ts,.jsx,.tsx ./",
"lint:fix": "eslint --resolve-plugins-relative-to ./ --ext .js,.ts,.jsx,.tsx ./ --fix",
Create a .prettierrc file with this content:
Usage in Node apps
Install the following dependencies
with npm
npm install eslint \
prettier \
@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config \
eslint-config-airbnb-typescript \
eslint-config-prettier \
eslint-plugin-prettier \
eslint-plugin-jest \
eslint-plugin-import@^2.22.0 \
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^2.34.0 \
with yarn
yarn add -D eslint \
prettier \
@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config \
eslint-config-airbnb-typescript \
eslint-config-prettier \
eslint-plugin-prettier \
eslint-plugin-jest \
eslint-plugin-import@^2.22.0 \
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin@^2.34.0 \
Create a .eslintrc file with the following content:
"extends": "./node_modules/@first-factory/eslint-prettier-config",
"parserOptions": {
"project": "./tsconfig.json",
"createDefaultProgram": true
Include the following scripts in your package.json file:
"lint": "eslint --resolve-plugins-relative-to ./ --ext .js,.ts ./",
"lint:fix": "eslint --resolve-plugins-relative-to ./ --ext .js,.ts ./ --fix",
Create a .prettierrc file with this content:
Integration with VSCode
In order to properly integrate ESLint and Prettier inside VSCode so that the code is formatted automatically on the file after changes are done follow the next steps:
- Install ESLint extension
- Install Prettier extension
- Apply this settings at user level in VSCode
"files.autoSave": "onFocusChange",
"prettier.singleQuote": true,
"prettier.requireConfig": true,
"eslint.alwaysShowStatus": true,
"eslint.validate": [
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
Include common rules to React and NodeJS applications inside ./rules/shred.js file.