The Finastra Angular components are the Angular implementation of the Finastra Design System. It features Finastra's branding of components (global search, data visualization, repeater, filters...).
🤔 How to use it?
You can get started in 3 simple steps:
Install the dependency (Note that the Angular components require our Angular Material theme.
npm install @finastra/angular-components
Import the required component in your project
import { ScrollToTopModule } from '@finastra/angular-components/scroll-to-top';
@NgModule ({…
imports: […,
Add the component in your HTML like so
💡 Components' theme
For more "advanced" components, you may require to import their themes SASS mixins. Find below a sample of what your main styles.scss would look :
@use '@finastra/angular-theme' as fds;
@use '@finastra/angular-theme/base';
@use '@finastra/angular-components/global-search/src/global-search.theme' as global-search;
@include fds.uxg-core();
// Add components typography mixins inside this mixin
@mixin app-typography($typography) {
@include global-search.typography($typography);
// Add components theme mixins inside this mixin
@mixin app-theme($theme) {
@include fds.uxg-material-theme($theme);
@include global-search.theme($theme);
@include app-typography(fds.$typography);
@include app-theme(fds.$light-theme);
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
@include app-theme(fds.$dark-theme);
💌 Want to help?
Want to file a bug, contribute some code, or improve documentation? Excellent! Consider reading our contribution guidelines