logger implemented by typescript decorater
You can try this module, if your code is written in typescript with class-style, and you need make some log output when a function is called.
- ~~Base on experimental stage 2 decorators implementation, currently not available with stage 3 decorator (since Typescript 5.0)~~
- Will bring performance loss, please decide for yourself how to handle this.
Quick Start
step 1: enable experimentalDecorators in your project(stage 2 only)
choose one of the ways;
in "tsconfig.json"
{ "compilerOptions": { "experimentalDecorators": true, // this line } }
or "tsc"
tsc --target ES5 --experimentalDecorators
step 2: use this module in your code
import { Info } from "@fimagine/logger" Info.showArgs = true; // show function params; Info.showRet = true; // show function return; // set current time string, or it will be unix timestamp in milliseconds. Info.currentTime = () => new Date().toISOString() @Info class Hello { constructor(what: string) {} @Info sayIt(what: string) { return what + ' world' } @Info async resolved(what: string) { return what + ' resolved' } @Info async rejected(what: string) { throw what + ' rejected' } } const hello = new Hello('hi.') hello.sayIt('hello') hello.resolved('hello') hello.rejected('hello').catch(() => {})
you would see this in your console:
[I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.288Z][call_id:23][Class Hello][NEW] params: hi. [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.288Z][call_id:23][Class Hello][END] result: _logger_wrapped {} [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.288Z][call_id:24][Hello.sayIt][ENTER] params: hello [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.289Z][call_id:24][Hello.sayIt][LEAVE] result: hello world [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.289Z][call_id:25][Hello.resolved][ENTER] params: hello [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.289Z][call_id:26][Hello.rejected][ENTER] params: hello [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.290Z][call_id:25][Hello.resolved][LEAVE] result: hello resolved [I][2024-01-29T04:13:19.290Z][call_id:26][Hello.rejected][REJECT] reason: hello rejected
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