Client for for interactacting with Riot Games API
Node.JS minimal Riot API client written in Typescript
- Rate limiting through @fightmegg/riot-rate-limiter
- Automatic retries
- TypeScript typings
- 100% endpoint coverage (incl. DDragon)
- Caching with custom ttls per endpoint
- Request prioritization
$ npm install @fightmegg/riot-api
import { RiotAPI, RiotAPITypes, PlatformId } from "@fightmegg/riot-api";
(async () => {
const rAPI = new RiotAPI("RGAPI-KEY");
const summoner = await rAPI.summoner.getBySummonerName({
region: PlatformId.EUW1,
summonerName: "Demos Kratos",
const config: RiotAPITypes.Config = {
debug: false,
cache: {
cacheType: "ioredis", // local or ioredis
client: "redis://localhost:6379", // leave null if client is local
ttls: {
byMethod: {
const rAPI = new RiotAPI("RGAPI-TOKEN", config);
Error handling
If you use Promises
then any error will reject the promise, this can either be an error value, or the response from the API.
Same as above with async/await
, where the error thrown will be the response from the API if the error occured at that level.
Caching is turned off by default, but with the cache property in the config you can enable it with various settings. For now we only support local (in memory) or ioredis caches, will potential support for custom caches in future.
When setting up the cache, you can change the ttl
of each method / endpoint individually. This is done through the METHOD_KEY
type which can be found in the typings file.
We also fully support DataDragon which can be accessed in two ways:
// ...
const rAPI = new RiotAPI("RGAPI-KEY");
const latestV = await rAPI.ddragon.versions.latest();
const champs = await rAPI.ddragon.champion.all();
If you want to just use static data only, then you can do the following:
import { DDragon } from "@fightmegg/riot-api";
const ddragon = new DDragon();
const champs = await ddragon.champion.all();
Just like the main API, we have full TypeScript typings for DDragon endpoints. Please note we do not support caching for DDragon endpoints.
A helper method to make it easier to determing which cluster you want to hit based on the users region
import { regionToCluster } from "@fightmegg/riot-api";
const cluster = regionToCluster("EUW1"); // outputs "EUROPE"
TypeScript typing
import { RiotAPI, RiotAPITypes, PlatformId } from '@fightmegg/riot-api';
// ...
const summoner: RiotAPITypes.Summoner.SummonerDTO = await rAPI.summoner.getBySummonerName(...);
If you want to see want the rate-limiter is currently doing, we use the debug module for logging. Simply run your app with:
DEBUG=riotapi* node ...
Unit tests: npm test
E2E tests: npm run test:e2e
Planned features
- [ ] Custom Caches
- [ ] Interceptors (before request & on response)