Curriculum Vitae
Lorenzo Rivosecchi
I'm a Web Developer with 5 years of experience in the field. I'm currently working at Assist Digital as a Frontend Developer. I have a background in Computer Music and my passions are Music, Technology and Design.
Have you noticed that this document looks like a Github README? That's because it is! You can find out more about how I built it here
I'm a passionate coder with a strong interest in user experience and accessibility. Here are a few technologies I have worked with:
Assist Digital (2023 - Present)
I work in the Advanced AI team at Assist Digital. My job involves working with cross-functional teams to design and develop user interfaces. My stack includes React, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, Tanstack Query, Gitlab, Vite.
La Colonia (2019 - 2023)
I worked as a frontend developer on a wide range of projects. From marketing webistes to E-Commerce and interactive web applications. During my time at La Colonia I helped the company to optimize the development process by introducing new tools and deployment strategies. Here are a few examples of projects I worked on:
- https://akfc66.gr
- https://andreacaputo.com
- https://blackmed.invernomuto.info
- https://karlaotto.com
- https://veneziafc.it
Freelance (2022 - Present)
I have worked on a few projects as a freelance developer. Here are a few examples:
In april 2020 I have graduated from the Milan Conservatory with a Bachelor degree in Electronic Music. As part of my thesis I created a web application to play music with friends over the internet using Electron and SuperCollider. The project can be found here
Blog posts
I like to write about the things I learn. Here are a few examples:
- Custom OTP inputs are dumb. Here is how to build one.
- OAuth2 and AWS Cognito for Browser Extensions
- Using OpenAI to control an Ableton Live Session 🎼
- How to setup a Node for Max project with TypeScript
- ChatGPT clone with React Suspense and Streaming
- Better LLM Chatbots with React Suspense 🌀
- I Published my CV on NPM
- How to make a ChatBot using HTTP streaming with LangChain and Express
- The best way to fetch data from Sanity (using zod)
- Consuming Web Streams with useState, SWR and React Query
- Taming the HTML dialog with React and TailwindCSS
- Consuming Web Streams with useState, SWR and React Query
- SEO friendly infinite scroll for Shopify themes