Management flow for the Connect JS SDK
= Fewlines Connect-js Management :toc: preamble
Management is part of the Fewlines Connect-js SDK.
It provides a list of functions to handle all the user data flows related to Connect, and some useful tools regarding Provider Applications.
== Installation
[source, shell]
yarn add @fewlines/connect-management
== Usage
Apart from the arguments specific to the query/command needed to fetch Connect, you will need to pass your Management credentials each time, in the form of an object, called ManagementCredentials
[source, typescript]
type ManagementCredentials = { URI: string; APIKey: string; }
const managementCredentials: ManagementCredentials = { URI: "URI", APIKey: "APIKey"; }
== Important types
=== Identities
Identities are one of the building blocks of Connect-js Management.
[source, typescript]
type Identity = { id: string; primary: boolean; status: "validated" | "unvalidated"; type: IdentityTypes; value: string; };
=== Provider Application
Provider Applications are the entities between the Connect Provider and your web application.
[source, typescript]
type ProviderApplication = { id: string; name: string; description: string; defaultHomePage: string; redirectUris: string[]; };
== Queries
=== checkVerificationCode
Used to verify the verification code input by the user. The function returns an object, composed of:
- The type of the Identity
- The value of the Identity
- The status of the Identity
- The nonce
[source, typescript]
import { checkVerificationCode } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { code: "288761", eventId: "ec1ee772-3249-4e5a-ad85-2b18d13f6f73", };
const { identityType, identityValue, nonce, status } = await checkVerificationCode(managementCredentials, input);
=== getProviderApplication
Used to get the information from the Connect Application. The function returns the Application data. Refer to the Provider Application to understand the returned data structure.
[source, typescript]
import { getProviderApplication } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const { id, defaultHomePage, redirectUris, name, description } = await getProviderApplication( managementCredentials, "a3e64872-6326-4813-948d-db8d8fc81bc8", );
=== getIdentity
Used to retrieve an Identity for a particular user using both the user and the Identity id
. Refer to the Identity section to understand the returned data structure.
[source, typescript]
import { getIdentity } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { userId: "b4e8bec6-3156-43c4-aaa8-9632c1c160b3", identityId: "9a60bc4c-82dc-42c5-8bac-8b051340d2ac", };
const { id, primary, status, type, value } = await getIdentity( managementCredentials, input, );
=== getIdentities
Used to retrieve all the Identities for a particular user. The function returns a list of Identity. Refer to the Identity section to understand the returned data structure.
[source, typescript]
import { getIdentities } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const identities = await getIdentities( managementCredentials, "d96ee314-31b2-4e19-88b7-63734b90d1d4", );
=== getProviderName
Used to retrieve the name of the current Provider.
[source, typescript]
import { getProviderName } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const providerName = await getProviderName(managementCredentials);
=== getUserIdFromIdentityValue
Used to retrieve the user id
by passing an Identity value as input.
[source, typescript]
import { getUserIdFromIdentityValue } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const userID = await getUserIdFromIdentityValue( managementCredentials, "[email protected]", );
=== isUserPasswordSet
Used to check if the user has already set his password. The function returns a boolean.
[source, typescript]
import { isUserPasswordSet } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const isPasswordSet = await isUserPasswordSet( managementCredentials, "16071981-1536-4eb2-a33e-892dc84c14a4", );
== Commands
=== addIdentityToUser
Used to add a new Identity to the user. It also allows the use of multiple event IDs. The function returns the newly added Identity.
[source, typescript]
import { addIdentityToUser } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { userIds: [ "d96ee314-31b2-4e19-88b7-63734b90d1d4", "5f42e01d-3b41-485e-8749-975cb693a3aa", ], type: "EMAIL", value: "[email protected]", };
await addIdentityToUser(managementCredentials, input);
=== createOrUpdatePassword
Used to create or update a User password. The function returns the User id
[source, typescript]
import { createOrUpdatePassword } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { cleartextPassword: "cleartextPassword", userId: "d8959bfd9-aab8-4de2-81bb-cbd9ea1a4191", };
const isPasswordSet = await createOrUpdatePassword( managementCredentials, input, );
If the cleartextPassword
input doesn't meet the Provider defined rules, the function will throw a specific error containing the rules
waited for the password to be valid.
[source, typescript]
import { createOrUpdatePassword, InvalidPasswordInputError, } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { cleartextPassword: "42", userId: "d8959bfd9-aab8-4de2-81bb-cbd9ea1a4191", };
try { await createOrUpdatePassword(managementCredentials, input); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof InvalidPasswordInputError) { const { rules } = error; // ... } }
=== createUserWithIdentities
Create a new User with a list of Identities for the current Provider. The list of identities passed as input cannot be empty. The function returns the User id
[source, typescript]
import { createUserWithIdentities } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { identities: [ { id: "d4e5e5d5-4fd3-49af-8ee4-7e28c824bb3c", type: "EMAIL", value: "[email protected]", status: "validated", primary: true, }, ], localeCode: "en-EN", };
const userId = await createUserWithIdentities(managementCredentials, input);
=== deleteUser
Used to delete a User. Return the string "DISPATCHED"
to signify that the delete event has been sent to all the services.
[source, typescript]
import { deleteUser } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const deleteStatus = await deleteUser( managementCredentials, "f084749a-2e90-4891-a26f-65e08c4f4e69", );
=== markIdentityAsPrimary
Used to mark an Identity as primary
. Will set the previous primary identity as non primary.
The function returns the Identity. Refer to the Identity section to understand the returned data structure.
[source, typescript]
import { markIdentityAsPrimary } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const newPrimaryIdentity = await markIdentityAsPrimary( managementCredentials, "504c741c-f9dd-425c-912a-03fe051b0e6e", );
=== removeIdentityFromUser
Used to remove an Identity from a User. The function returns true if the removal worked.
[source, typescript]
import { removeIdentityFromUser } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { userId: "4a5324f7-9390-41ab-a94d-2ab3198f1a8c", type: "EMAIL", value: "[email protected]", };
const isIdentityRemove = await removeIdentityFromUser( managementCredentials, input, );
=== sendIdentityValidationCode
Used to send an Identity Validation Code to the User. The function returns an object, composed of:
- The event id, used to verify the Validation Code.
- The callback URL
- The locale code
- The nonce
[source, typescript]
import { sendIdentityValidationCode } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { callbackUrl: "/", identity: { id: "12488dfe-8e46-4391-a8bb-f0db41078942", type: "EMAIL", value: "[email protected]", status: "validated", primary: true, }, userId: "37b21863-3f38-4d20-848d-3108337a0b8b", };
const { callbackUrl, localeCode, eventId, nonce } = await sendIdentityValidationCode(managementCredentials, input);
If the Identity value
input is blank or is identical to an already validated Identity for the current Provider, the function will throw specific errors corresponding to each case.
[source, typescript]
import { sendIdentityValidationCode, IdentityAlreadyUsedError, IdentityValueCantBeBlankError, } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { callbackUrl: "/", identity: { id: "12488dfe-8e46-4391-a8bb-f0db41078942", type: "EMAIL", value: "", status: "validated", primary: true, }, userId: "37b21863-3f38-4d20-848d-3108337a0b8b", };
try { const { callbackUrl, localeCode, eventId, nonce } = await sendIdentityValidationCode(managementCredentials, input); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof IdentityValueCantBeBlankError) { // ... }
if (error instanceof IdentityAlreadyUsedError) { // ... } }
=== updateProviderApplication
Used to update the Provider Application. The function returns the Application data. Refer to the Provider Application to understand the returned data structure.
[source, typescript]
import { updateProviderApplication } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { id: "d1e34015-4ba0-44a3-8171-15ed6979b86d", description: "Connect JS Management test environment", name: "Connect JS Management", redirectUris: [ "http://localhost:3000/oauth/callback", "https://connect-management.local:3001/oauth/callback", ], defaultHomePage: "https://www.fewlines.co", };
const { id, description, redirectUris, name, defaultHomePage } = await updateProviderApplication(managementCredentials, input);
Used to update an Identity. Here are the props needed, in order:
- managementCredentials: URI and API Key of Connect.
- userId: ID or sub of the current user.
- eventIds: List of event ID generated at the start of the Identity validation flow, and populated when the user re-send a validation code.
- validationCode: Code input from the User during the Identity validation flow.
- identityValue: Identity value that will replace the current Identity.
- identityToUpdateId: ID of the previous Identity to update.
- maxRetry: optional number argument, set by default to
. It determines the max number of retries the function will do if a server exception is raised during the flow. You can pass0
to disable the retry feature.
[source, typescript]
import { updateIdentity } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
await updateIdentityFromUser( managementCredentials, userId, eventIds, validationCode, identityValue, identityToUpdateId, );
The function will do a rollback of any added Identity and primary Identity status in case of a failure. It also allows the use of multiple event IDs. The function will also perform a number of retry if an exception occurs during the call (triggered only on exceptions corresponding to server errors). The number of retries is determined by the maxRetry
argument passed to the function (with a default value set at 2
). Each retry call will happen after a short increasing delay, with a maximum of 1000ms.
Here are the expected exception raised in case of a failure:
=== sendTwoFAVerificationCode
Used to send a Verification Code to the User. The function returns an object, composed of:
- The event id associated with the Verification Code.
- The callback URL
- The locale code
- The nonce
[source, typescript]
import { sendTwoFAVerificationCode } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { callbackUrl: "/", identity: { id: "12488dfe-8e46-4391-a8bb-f0db41078942", type: "PHONE", value: "+33642424242", status: "validated", primary: true, }, userId: "37b21863-3f38-4d20-848d-3108337a0b8b", };
const { callbackUrl, localeCode, eventId, nonce } = await sendTwoFAVerificationCode(managementCredentials, input);
If the Identity type
isn't a valid one or if the provided Identity is not associated with the userId
, the function will throw specific errors corresponding to each case.
[source, typescript]
import { sendTwoFAVerificationCode, InvalidIdentityTypeError, IdentityNotFoundError, } from "@fewlines/connect-management";
const input = { callbackUrl: "/", identity: { id: "12488dfe-8e46-4391-a8bb-f0db41078942", type: "EMAIL", value: "[email protected]", status: "validated", primary: true, }, userId: "37b21863-3f38-4d20-848d-3108337a0b8b", };
try { const { callbackUrl, localeCode, eventId, nonce } = await sendTwoFAVerificationCode(managementCredentials, input); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof InvalidIdentityTypeError) { // ... }