Shared secrets utilities
Shared secrets manager for CTG.
yarn add @fengcart/secrets-client
By default, secrets will be stored in DynamoDB. However, the Secrets Manager can also be configured to use different backends.
import { Buyatab, SecretsManager } from '@fengcart/secrets-client';
import { Buyatab } from './secret-definitions';
const secrets = new SecretsManager();
const buyatabSecrets = await secrets.getSecrets(Buyatab);
To provide options to the DynamoDB backend:
import { DynamodbBackend, SecretsManager } from '@fengcart/secrets-client';
import { Buyatab } from './secret-definitions';
const backend = new DynamodbBackend({...});
const secrets = new SecretsManager({ backend });
const buyatabSecrets = await secrets.getSecrets(Buyatab);
To provide options to use the AWS Secrets Manager backend:
import { SecretsManager, SecretsManagerBackend } from '@fengcart/secrets';
import { Buyatab } from './secret-definitions';
const credentials = new SharedIniFileCredentials({ profile });
const awsSecretsManager = new AWSSecretsManager({ credentials });
const backend = new SecretsManagerBackend({ awsSecretsManager });
const secrets = new SecretsManager({ backend });
const buyatabSecrets = await secrets.getSecrets(Buyatab);
What's the difference between this package and @fengcart/secrets?
This package was created off @fengcart/secrets to address the following challenges:
- Allow services/apps to define secrets in their own repo and avoid having to create PRs in ctg-packages.
- Reduce the number packages published just because we are updating secret definitions.
Which package should I use?
You should stop adding new secrets to @fengcart/secrets and instead start using this library and define secrets in the repo where they are needed.
At the same time you are encouraged to move existing secrets out of @fengcart/secrets and into the repo where they are actually used.