coding is fun, but many projects and frameworks end up in a lot of repetetive tedious work. Ofen the task is not very complex but automating it would take to much time. Goal of this project is to minimize the time required to define a simple pattern and a
don't repeat your self
coding is fun, but many projects and frameworks end up in a lot of repetetive tedious work. Ofen the task is not very complex but automating it would take to much time. Goal of this project is to minimize the time required to define a simple pattern and apply it to your codebase.
It is done in form of a visual studio code extension, that allows to define small patterns.
export const AutoThunk: Pattern<MethodDeclaration> = {
// filter projects in which to look for the pattern
sourceProjects: (lp) => lp.config.type === "backend",
// filter projects that might be relevant to the pattern
targetProjects: (lp) => lp.config.type === "frontend",
// a ts-query selector to match all method declarations that have a certain decorator
query: `MethodDeclaration:has(Decorator Identifier[name="Query"],[name="Mutation"],[name="Subscription"])`,
// this will render the text of each vs-code lens
title: (node, context, target) => `+thunk in ${target.config.name ?? target.config.type}`,
// include/exclude pathes
include: [/Resolver.ts/, /\.resolver\.ts/],
// the handler that will be executed
handler: function* (node, context, target) {
// some custom code
yield* createThunk(node, target, context);
This subproject is for some usefull code
types and definitions
- Pattern: allows to quickly define a pattern
- Plugin: probably obsoleted by pattern
- LoadedProject: representation of the various projects in a workspace
- FileEditOperations: operations that can be generated by patterns and plugins
helper code
- refToNode: get a referrenced node from typeReference or Identifier
- shared: helpers to use ts-query on ts-morph
- writeType: cleanup type from import