Package `@fbcnms/sequelize-models` uses the [Sequelize ORM](https://sequelize.org/) and defines various models commonly used in different NMS products.
Package @fbcnms/sequelize-models
uses the Sequelize ORM
and defines various models commonly used in different NMS products.
As of last update, this package is used by various Facebook Connectivity products, and also Magma.
Access control to NMS products are separated based on organizations.
For example, in Magma, organizations can be assigned access to one or more networks.
Users exist per-organization, and additional access control can be set for individual users.
Audit Log Entry
A log of all actions taken by users on the NMS.
Feature Flag
Yarn Commands
dbDataMigration Usage
Used for migration of sequelize-models data from one DB to another
Example: Manual Usage
$ yarn dbDataMigrate
? Enter DB host: mariadb
? Enter DB port: 3306
? Enter DB database name: nms
? Enter DB username: root
? Enter DB password: [hidden]
? Enter DB SQL dialect: mariadb
DB Connection Config:
Host: mariadb:3306
Database: nms
Username: root
Dialect: mariadb
? Are you importing from the specified DB, or exporting to it?: import
? Would you like to run data migration with these settings?: Yes
Completed data migration, importing from specified DB
Example: Automated Usage
$ npm dbDataMigrate -- --username=nms --password=nms --database=nms --host=mariadb --port=3306 --dialect=mariadb --export --confirm
DB Connection Config:
Host: mariadb:3306
Database: nms
Username: nms
Dialect: mariadb
Completed data migration, exporting to specified DB