Fastify Basic auth plugin
A simple Basic auth plugin for Fastify.
npm i @fastify/basic-auth
| Plugin version | Fastify version |
| ---------------|-----------------|
| ^6.x
| ^5.x
| ^4.x
| ^4.x
| ^1.x
| ^3.x
| ^0.x
| ^2.x
| ^0.x
| ^1.x
Please note that if a Fastify version is out of support, then so are the corresponding versions of this plugin in the table above. See Fastify's LTS policy for more details.
This plugin decorates the fastify instance with a basicAuth
function, which you can use inside any hook before your route handler, or with @fastify/auth
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const authenticate = {realm: 'Westeros'}
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), { validate, authenticate })
// `this` inside validate is `fastify`
function validate (username, password, req, reply, done) {
if (username === 'Tyrion' && password === 'wine') {
} else {
done(new Error('Winter is coming'))
fastify.after(() => {
fastify.addHook('onRequest', fastify.basicAuth)
fastify.get('/', (req, reply) => {
reply.send({ hello: 'world' })
Promises and async/await are supported as well!
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const authenticate = {realm: 'Westeros'}
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), { validate, authenticate })
async function validate (username, password, req, reply) {
if (username !== 'Tyrion' || password !== 'wine') {
return new Error('Winter is coming')
Use with onRequest
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const authenticate = {realm: 'Westeros'}
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), { validate, authenticate })
async function validate (username, password, req, reply) {
if (username !== 'Tyrion' || password !== 'wine') {
return new Error('Winter is coming')
fastify.after(() => {
method: 'GET',
url: '/',
onRequest: fastify.basicAuth,
handler: async (req, reply) => {
return { hello: 'world' }
Use with @fastify/auth
const fastify = require('fastify')()
const authenticate = {realm: 'Westeros'}
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), { validate, authenticate })
async function validate (username, password, req, reply) {
if (username !== 'Tyrion' || password !== 'wine') {
return new Error('Winter is coming')
fastify.after(() => {
// use preHandler to authenticate all the routes
fastify.addHook('preHandler', fastify.auth([fastify.basicAuth]))
method: 'GET',
url: '/',
// use onRequest to authenticate just this one
onRequest: fastify.auth([fastify.basicAuth]),
handler: async (req, reply) => {
return { hello: 'world' }
Custom error handler
On failed authentication, @fastify/basic-auth will call the Fastify
generic error
handler with an error.
@fastify/basic-auth sets the err.statusCode
property to 401
To properly 401
fastify.setErrorHandler(function (err, req, reply) {
if (err.statusCode === 401) {
// This was unauthorized! Display the correct page/message
reply.code(401).send({ was: 'unauthorized' })
(optional, default: true)
User-ids or passwords containing characters outside the US-ASCII character set will cause interoperability issues unless both communication partners agree on what character encoding scheme is to be used. If utf8 is set to true the server will send the 'charset' parameter to indicate a preference of "UTF-8", increasing the probability that clients will switch to that encoding.
(optional, default: true)
If strictCredentials is set to false the authorization header can contain
additional whitespaces at the beginning, middle, and end of the
authorization header.
This is a fallback option to ensure the same behavior as @fastify/basic-auth
version <=5.x.
The validate
function is called on each request made
and is passed the username
, password
, req
, and reply
parameters, in that order. An optional fifth parameter, done
, may be
used to signify a valid request when called with no arguments
or an invalid request when called with an Error
object. Alternatively,
the validate
function may return a promise, resolving for valid
requests and rejecting for invalid. This can also be achieved using
an async/await
function, and throwing for invalid requests.
See code above for examples.
<Boolean|Object> (optional, default: false)
When supplied, the authenticate
option will cause the
header to be added. It may also be used to set the realm
This can be useful in situations where we want to trigger client-side authentication interfaces - for instance the browser authentication dialog.
As a boolean setting authenticate
to true
will set a header like so: WWW-Authenticate: Basic
. When false
, no header is added. This is the default.
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), {
authenticate: true // WWW-Authenticate: Basic
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), {
authenticate: false // no authenticate header, same as omitting authenticate option
When supplied as an object the authenticate
option may have a realm
If the realm
key is supplied, it will be appended to the header value:
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), {
authenticate: {realm: 'example'} // WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="example"
The realm
key could also be a function:
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), {
authenticate: {
realm(req) {
return 'example' // WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="example"
String (optional)
When supplied, the header option is the name of the header to get credentials from for validation.
fastify.register(require('@fastify/basic-auth'), {
header: 'x-forwarded-authorization'
Licensed under MIT.