Core framework for Falbricate - tool for Falsa fabrication
Falbricate (combination of words falsum and fabrication) is a simple tool for making rich, real-looking data items (falsa) for various testing purposes, for creating real-looking demos or application prototypes, and to ease the whole data model mocking process while enabling versioning of it.
In this example, you can see how easy it is to create a somewhat real-looking payment data object generator - with just a tip of the Falbricate features:
// Start with creating predefined ecosystem with preregistered Core plugin
const ecosystem = getDefaultEcosystem();
// Define your own schema
const paymentSchema: SchemaInput = {
// Use profiles to share values in between multiple fields; you can easily
// refer to them from any other field using `!ref-<path>` notation
profiles: {
currency: {
// Feel free to comment the purpose
comment: 'Currency in which the payment was made',
type: 'pick',
config: {
options: ['USD', 'EUR', 'JPY', 'CAD', 'CNY']
// Define the actual fields to be populated by the given field definitions
fields: {
// For simple declarations, use in-line definitions
paymentId: 'uuid?version=4',
// For some advanced types, you can use object definition
accountId: {
// Sometimes its hard to figure out what the result might look like...
// Make sure to include examples!
examples: ['UK-123456-7A8F-1f2d', 'FR-812596-0BC3-182e'],
type: 'template',
config: {
template: 'state-$D$d$d$d$d$d-$H$H$H$H-$h$h$h$h',
variables: {
state: '!ref-clientContext.userState'
// Use relative timestamps
paymentDate: 'past30Minutes',
// Randomly pick from the listed options
direction: 'pick?options=["INCOMING","OUTGOING"]',
status: 'pick?options=["COMPLETED","FAILED","PENDING"]',
paymentType: 'pick?options=["CREDIT_CARD","BANK_TRANSFER","PAYPAL"]',
// Define your desired float within a range
amount: 'float?min=0.01&max=500&decimalDigits=2',
// Refer to a profile - by a generation context being passed internally
currency: '!ref-profiles.currency',
// Imagination has no boundaries!
some_field: {
comment: 'Always null - because why not :)',
type: 'null'
// Create a falbricator instance by compiling the schema
const falbricator: Falbricator = ecosystem.compile(paymentSchema);
// Generate your item with given clientContext
const falsum = falbricator.generate({ userState: 'UK' });
console.log(JSON.stringify(falsum.original, undefined, 2));
And here's the result:
"paymentId": "36a2b78a-509d-454d-5c49-cfb1ae53ed20",
"accountId": "UK-175064-460A-6b01",
"paymentDate": "2024-09-15T15:34:24.292Z",
"direction": "INCOMING",
"status": "PENDING",
"paymentType": "CREDIT_CARD",
"amount": 78.23,
"currency": "JPY",
"some_field": null
Similarly, you can generate anything you want!