JavaScript library for interaction with the Blossom browser extension
Blossom JS Library
A JavaScript library that provides an interface to the Blossom browser extension.
The library can be installed via npm:
npm install --save @fairdatasociety/blossom
Blossom class
All interaction with the Blossom browser extension is established through the Blossom class:
import { Blossom } from '@fairdatasociety/blossom'
By default the class will connect to the Blossom browser extension using its ID from the Google store. If you are running your version of the extension the class can be configured with a different extension ID.
const blossom = new Blossom() // Using the default Blossom ID from the Google store
const blossom = new Blossom('Blossom Extension ID...') // Using custom Blossom ID
Each dApp should be executed from a BZZ link (e.g. http://dApp-or-ENS-name.swarm.localhost:1633 or
http://localhost:1633/bzz/dApp-or-ENS-name/). In that case dApp's ID is available as blossom.dappId
To test if connection with the Blossom extension is established, call the echo
const text = await blossom.echo<string>('test')
console.log(text) // 'test'
FDP Storage
Pod access
If the user is logged in, dApp can access its own pod. Each dApp can have only one pod and its name must be
the same as the blossom.dappId
To check if dApp's pod is already created:
const podIsCreated = await blossom.fdpStorage.personalStorage.isDappPodCreated()
If not created, then it can be created by calling:
const pod = await blossom.fdpStorage.personalStorage.create(blossom.dappId)
If other pod name is provided, that pod can be created/accessed only if the user allows it. Otherwise an
Access denied
error will be thrown.
For applications that need access to all pods (like file system apps, etc.), they can request full access:
const allowed = await blossom.fdpStorage.personalStorage.requestFullAccess()
File access
dApp can execute various operations with allowed pods, like creating, reading files and directories, etc.
For example, to create a directory:
const directory = await blossom.fdpStorage.directory.create(blossom.dappId, '/example')
Then, to upload a file there:
const file = await blossom.fdpStorage.file.uploadData(blossom.dappId, '/example/new-file.txt', 'File content')
And to download the same file:
const content = await blossom.fdpStorage.file.downloadData(blossom.dappId, '/example/new-file.txt')
console.log(content.text()) // 'File content'
NOTE: For more available methods, check the fdp-storage repo
dApps can sign any data using their default pod's private key.
const signature = await blossom.signer.signMessage(blossom.dappId, 'Data...')
Library provides methods for interaction with Blossom wallet.
To get information about the user:
const info = await blossom.wallet.getAccountInfo()
console.log(info.address) // user's address
NOTE: The user must allow access to this information, othrwise an "Access denied" error is thrown
To get balance of currently logged in user:
const balanceString = await blossom.wallet.getUserBalance()
console.log(BigNumber.from(balanceString)) // result can be converted to BigNumber object
dApp can send funds as well, but the user must allow it:
await blossom.wallet.sendTransaction('0x1234...', '1000000000')
Terminating connection
Once when the instance of the Blossom class is not needed anymore, connection with the extension can be terminated.
To watch for changes in the source code and recompile the library on change:
npm start
To build the library:
npm run build
Tests use the puppeteer project to interact with the library and the
Blossom extension. Because of that, tests need web pages that are going to be interacted with. Such test web
pages are located inside the test/webpages
directory. Each page contains elements that can be interacted
with to trigger various events, and placeholder elements that are used to show results of various operations.
Before running tests, the complete environment must be started. To start the environment and the extension check the extension's readme.
To run a web server that will serve the test web pages, execute:
npm run serve
The Blossom extension and the Swarm extension must be compiled. For that, check the readme file of the root project.
Now when the environment is ready, tests are executed by running:
npm test