FactSet GeoRev client library for JavaScript
FactSet GeoRev client library for JavaScript
FactSet Revere Geographic Revenue ("GeoRev") Exposure data provides a highly structured and normalized display of companies' revenues by geography. Using a four level taxonomy structure, understand the companies' Super-Region-->Region-->Area-->Country revenue breakdowns. Quickly understand a company's revenue exposure in countries impacted by geopolitical, macroeconomic, and market risk. Understand the geographic footprint of a company based on sources of revenue versus country of domicile, and analyze global revenue exposures at the company, index, or portfolio level. Geographic revenue has historically been difficult to analyze due to companies' non-standard and incomplete reporting. Investors relying solely on this as-reported data are limited in their ability to compare, aggregate or screen exposures across a universe or portfolio of companies. To achieve normalization, FactSet GeoRev captures data through a proprietary four-level geographic classification structure. An estimation algorithm based on GDP weighting and accounting logic is then applied to solve for any non-explicit disclosures. The result is a consistent, accurate, and flexible dataset that can take a company's revenues and break them down into any geographic country or region categories.As markets become more integrated and companies expand operations beyond their domestic markets, GeoRev provides a new and valuable country factor to help investors discover alpha, model risk exposure, optimize portfolio weighting, and improve fund administration and reporting.Data Frequency - Annual; Update Frequency - Daily. 49,000+ Publically Listed Companies. All Russell 3000 and MSCI ACWI Index Consituents. U.S. Data is available from 2003, with Non-US data from 2007. For more details, visit OA 17555Rate limit is set to 10 requests per second.
This TypeScript/JavaScript package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0.1
- SDK version: 2.0.0
- Build package: com.factset.sdk.codegen.FactSetJavascriptClientCodegen
- Node.js >= 18
npm install @factset/sdk-utils @factset/[email protected]
yarn add @factset/sdk-utils @factset/[email protected]
- Generate authentication credentials.
- Setup Node.js environment
Install and activate Node.js >=18. If you're using nvm:
nvm install 18 nvm use 18
(optional) Install yarn.
- Install dependencies.
- Run the following:
[!IMPORTANT] The parameter variables defined below are just examples and may potentially contain non valid values. Please replace them with valid values.
Example Code
const { ApiClient, CountriesApi } = require('@factset/sdk-factsetgeorev');
const { ConfidentialClient } = require('@factset/sdk-utils');
const apiClient = ApiClient.instance;
// Examples for each supported authentication method are below,
// choose one that satisfies your use case.
// (Preferred) OAuth 2.0: FactSetOAuth2
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk#oauth-20
// for information on how to create the app-config.json file
// The confidential client instance should be reused in production environments.
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk-utils-typescript#authentication
// for more information on using the ConfidentialClient class
apiClient.factsetOauth2Client = new ConfidentialClient('/path/to/app-config.json');
// Basic authentication: FactSetApiKey
// See https://github.com/FactSet/enterprise-sdk#api-key
// for information how to create an API key
// const FactSetApiKey = apiClient.authentications['FactSetApiKey'];
// FactSetApiKey.username = 'USERNAME-SERIAL';
// FactSetApiKey.password = 'API-KEY';
const apiInstance = new CountriesApi();
const ids = ["AAPL-USA"]; // [String] | Security or Entity identifiers. FactSet Identifiers, tickers, CUSIP and SEDOL are accepted input. <p>***ids limit** = 300 per request*</p> *<p>Make note, GET Method URL request lines are also limited to a total length of 8192 bytes (8KB). In cases where the service allows for thousands of ids, which may lead to exceeding this request line limit of 8KB, its advised for any requests with large request lines to be requested through the respective \"POST\" method.</p>*
const opts = {
'countryIds': ["US","CN"], // [String] | The Country ISO2 Codes representing the Country requested. By default, the service will request *ALL* Countries. To limit the Countries returned in the response, provide a comma-separated list of the ISO2 Country Codes. Visit [OA 8754](https://my.apps.factset.com/oa/pages/8754) for a full list of ISO2 codes.
'startDate': 2018-12-31, // String | The start date requested for a given date range in **YYYY-MM-DD** format. Data is available on a Fiscal Annual periodicity and updated Daily. If left blank, the API will default to latest available fiscal period. Future dates (T+1) are not accepted in this endpoint.
'endDate': 2019-12-31, // String | The end date requested for a given date range in **YYYY-MM-DD** format. Data is available on a Fiscal Annual periodicity and updated daily. If left blank, the API will default to latest available fiscal period. Future dates (T+1) are not accepted in this endpoint.
'frequency': "'FY'", // String | Controls the display frequency of the data returned. * **D** = Daily * **W** = Weekly, based on the last day of the week of the start date. * **M** = Monthly, based on the last trading day of the month. * **AM** = Monthly, based on the start date (e.g., if the start date is June 16, data is displayed for June 16, May 16, April 16 etc.). * **CQ** = Quarterly based on the last trading day of the calendar quarter (March, June, September, or December). * **FQ** = Fiscal Quarter of the company. * **AY** = Actual Annual, based on the start date. * **CY** = Calendar Annual, based on the last trading day of the calendar year. * **FY** = Fiscal Annual, based on the last trading day of the company's fiscal year.
'currency': USD // String | Currency code for adjusting the data. For a list of currency ISO codes, visit [Online Assistant Page #1470](https://oa.apps.factset.com/pages/1470).
// Call api endpoint
apiInstance.getCountries(ids, opts).then(
data => {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data:');
error => {
Using a Proxy
To add a HTTP proxy for the API client, you can set the proxyUrl for the ApiClient instance:
const { ApiClient } = require('@factset/sdk-factsetgeorev');
const apiClient = ApiClient.instance;
apiClient.setProxyUrl('http://username:[email protected]:8080');
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to https://api.factset.com/content
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- factsetgeorev.CountriesApi | getCountries | GET /factset-georev/v1/countries | Gets the revenue details for the requested Countries. factsetgeorev.CountriesApi | getCountriesForList | POST /factset-georev/v1/countries | Gets the revenue details for the requested Countries. Use for large lists of ids. factsetgeorev.RegionsApi | getRegions | GET /factset-georev/v1/regions | Gets the revenue details for the requested Regions factsetgeorev.RegionsApi | getRegionsForList | POST /factset-georev/v1/regions | Gets the revenue details for the requested Regions. Use for large lists of company ids.
Documentation for Models
- factsetgeorev.Country
- factsetgeorev.CountryRequest
- factsetgeorev.CountryResponse
- factsetgeorev.ErrorResponse
- factsetgeorev.ErrorResponseSubErrors
- factsetgeorev.Frequency
- factsetgeorev.Region
- factsetgeorev.RegionRequest
- factsetgeorev.RegionResponse
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: HTTP basic authentication
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: application
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A
Please refer to the contributing guide.
Copyright 2022 FactSet Research Systems Inc
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.