Uses [Vosk](https://alphacephei.com/vosk/) to analyze audio files and generate word timings.
Word Timings Generator
Uses Vosk to analyze audio files and generate word timings.
npx word-timings -c ./path/to/my-config.json
Uses a configuration file in the format:
"model": "path/to/model", // Path to the model you've downloaded and unzipped.
"cache": "path/to/.cachefile", // Optional, name a cache file to use instead of the default. This speeds up later runs.
"pretty": true, // Optional - if true, pretty prints the output
"outputs": [
"file": "path/to/output.json", // path for the output for this group of files
"globs": ["path/to/*.wav"] // globs of files to batch together into this output
Audio files must be mono PCM .wav files, and are suggested to run in 16khz (although higher sample rates seem to work okay).
Output will be a JSON dictionary of filenames (no path or extension) to arrays of time data.
"myfile": [[0.1, 0.3], 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, [0.8, 1.2]]
Time data is an array, where every element is either a tuple representing the start & end time of that word, or a number representing the end time of the word with the start time being the previous word's end time. All times are in seconds.