Serverless dynamodb client plugin
This is a fork of https://github.com/99x/serverless-dynamodb-client that seems dead.
I tried to merge all ideas I see in this repository issues and PR in one place, making this code works.
I also used typescript making sure all AWS-SDK types works and finally I try to mimick the real AWS-SDK DynamoDB export so you don't have to change your codebase to use an offline database (apart from the imports...)
Feel free to open PR I will try to merge and publish ASAP.
This Serverless plugin help you to call AWS Dynamodb SDK without switching between different dynamodb instances, whether you work with Dynamodb local or online in AWS.
This Plugin Requires
Using in your code
For each Lambda function, run the following command to add it to the npm package.json dependancies list
npm install --save @fabienjuif/serverless-dynamodb-client
Then you can use dynamodb in your code as follows
const { DynamoDB } = require('@fabienjuif/serverless-dynamodb-client');
// then use it as a standard DynamoDB client
Env variables
You can define some database configuration with environment variables. Here they are:
- LOCAL_DDB_HOST: local dynamodb hostname, default is
- LOCAL_DDB_PORT: local dynamodb port, default is
- LOCAL_DDB_ENDPOINT: local dynamodb endpoint if you don't want to use HOST and PORT variables, default is
- Dynamodb SDK (rawClient): http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB.html
- Dynamodb Document Client SDK (docClient): http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/AWS/DynamoDB/DocumentClient.html