Material UI form components for use with EZForm React validation and form library
EZForm is an easy form and field-level validation library for react using Material UI components
This package is for the older Material UI v4. Click Here to get to the newer MUI v5 version
Build Project
npm install -g typescript; npm install; npm run build;
You can find a working demo here:
npm i moment --save
npm i @date-io/[email protected] --save
npm i @material-ui/core --save
npm i @material-ui/lab --save
npm i @material-ui/pickers --save
npm i @ezform/mui --save
This package makes use of @ezform/core and Material UI to implement a set of form fields.
Click Here to learn more about the core library.
Example usage:
const ezform = useForm({
onSubmit: (values) => {
console.log("Form got submitted. Form values:", values);
initialState: {
firstName: "Johnny",
lastName: "Silverhand",
address: {
city: "New York",
country: "United States"
formatMessage: (messageKey) => translate(messageKey),
<FieldText name="firstName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="lastName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="address.city" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
<FieldText name="address.country" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
You can create fully dynamic forms. Specify an object path to define fields:
// Map this fields value to 'firstName' property of first client
<FieldText name="clients[0].firstName" form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
// or map 5 fields iteratively
{ Array(5).fill().map((num, index) => (
<FieldText name={"clients[" + index + "].firstName"} form={ezform} validator={requiredValidator} />
Global Config
You can define a global configuration for some props of inputs:
import { EzformMuiConfig } from "@ezform/mui";
// set config globally
buttonLabel: "Select file",
noFileSelectedText: "No file selected",
fileSelectedText: "$n file(s) selected",
// get global config
const config = EzformMuiConfig();
This library provides a basic set of form fields based on Material UI components. You can also create your own components to use with EZForm. Click here to find out how.
FieldBase interface
This interface acts as a base for all field properties. All form components described below (except FieldList and FieldCondition) can take the following properties:
- name: string;
- form: FormRefObject;
- id?: string;
- validator?: ValidatorType;
- disabled?: boolean;
- readonly?: boolean;
- label?: string;
- defaultValue?: any;
Basic text input
- multiline?: boolean
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
- color?: "primary" | "secondary";
- placeholder?: string;
Same as text field, but for passwords
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
- color?: "primary" | "secondary";
- placeholder?: string;
Select dropdown
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
Simple multiple select dropdown
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
Multiple select dropdown with chips rendering selected options
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
- color?: "primary" | "secondary";
- chipVariant?: "default" | "outlined";
- chipColor?: "primary" | "secondary";
- chipSize?: "medium" | "small";
Single checkbox
- color?: "default" | "primary" | "secondary";
Switch input
- color?: "default" | "primary" | "secondary";
- labelBefore?: string;
- size?: "medium" | "small";
Multiple checkboxes under the same field name
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- color?: "default" | "primary" | "secondary";
Multiple radio inputs under the same field name
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- color?: "default" | "primary" | "secondary";
Experimental select with search ability
- options: { key: string; value: string; label: string; disabled?: boolean }[];
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
Material UI's date input. Please visit (https://material-ui-pickers.dev) for details on what these props do.
The date will be stored in the form fields as a UNIX timestamp. Default type is "date".
- format: string;
- type?: "date" | "datetime" | "time"
- disableToolbar?: boolean;
- autoOk?: boolean;
- variant?: "filled" | "outlined" | "standard";
- minDate?: ParsableDate;
- minDateMessage?: ReactNode;
- maxDate?: ParsableDate;
- maxDateMessage?: ReactNode;
- initialDate?: ParsableDate;
- disablePast?: boolean;
- disableFuture?: boolean;
EZForm uses @date-io/moment
to convert dates
Simple file upload using native input type="file". This field will be rendered as a button.
- buttonLabel?: string;
- defaultHelperText?: string;
- noFileSelectedText?: string;
- fileSelectedText?: string;
- variant?: "contained" | "outlined" | "text";
- color?: "default" | "inherit" | "primary" | "secondary";
- multiple?: boolean;
- accept?: string;
The submitted value will be of type File or FileList in case the multiple
prop is passed.
Component to make dynamic lists containing fields.
Below is an example of a list (array) with objects containing an entry of two fields each (firstName, lastName).
The example validates only the first row of the list, effectively making only the first list entry obligatory.
renderRow={({ add, remove, index, total }) => (
<React.Fragment key={"list" + index}>
name={"arrayExample[" + index + "].firstName"}
label="First name"
validator={index < 1 ? requiredValidator : undefined}
name={"arrayExample[" + index + "].lastName"}
validator={index < 1 ? requiredValidator : undefined}
label="Last name"
{index < total ? (
<Button onClick={remove(index)}>Remove</Button>
) : (
<Button onClick={add()}>Add</Button>
You can wrap any elements inside this component and render them conditionally.
This can be helpful to organize a more complex form.
<FieldCondition when={ foo === "bar" && isTheMoonShining() }>
<p>I will only be rendered when foo equals 'bar' and isTheMoonShining() returns true</p>