Server endpoint NPM library for standardized WebRTC based streaming
Standardized WebRTC Egress Endpoint Library
Server endpoint for standardized WebRTC based streaming. Currently supports the following egress / playback protocol:
And support for the following SFUs:
- Symphony Media Bridge (
Install library
npm install --save @eyevinn/wrtc-egress
WHPP Example
Use WHPP as egress protocol and Symphony Media Bridge as SFU.
import { WHPPEndpoint, SfuType } from "@eyevinn/wrtc-egress";
const endpoint = new WHPPEndpoint({
port: 8001,
hostname: "wrtc-edge.eyevinn.technology",
prefix: "/whpp",
sfuAdapter: SfuType.smb,
sfuOptions: { smbUrl: "http://localhost:8080/conferences/", apiKey: "secret" },
iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }],
When running an HTTP API for managing the channel is available at /api/channels
by default.
Access to WHPP endpoint at /whpp/channels
WHEP Example
Use WHEP as egress protocol and Symphony Media Bridge as SFU.
import { WHEPEndpoint, SfuType } from "@eyevinn/wrtc-egress";
const endpoint = new WHEPEndpoint({
port: 8001,
hostname: "wrtc-edge.eyevinn.technology",
prefix: "/whep",
sfuAdapter: SfuType.smb,
sfuOptions: { smbUrl: "http://localhost:8080/conferences/", apiKey: "secret" },
iceServers: [{ urls: "stun:stun.l.google.com:19302" }],
Access to WHEP endpoint at /whep/channels
| Resource | HTTP Method | Description |
| -------- | ------ | ----------- |
| /api/docs
| GET | Online API docs |
| /api/channels/:channelId
| POST | Create a new channel |
| /api/channels/:channelId
| DELETE | Delete a channel |
Local Development
To develop locally a docker-compose
config exists that spins up a WHIP-endpoint and origin + egress SFU.
docker-compose up
Then run the egress endpoint in developer mode:
npm run dev
If you don't have a WHIP stream you can go to https://web.whip.eyevinn.technology and enter this endpoint URL: http://localhost:8200/api/v2/whip/sfu-broadcaster?channelId=test
To try playback with for example WHEP you can open a browser at https://webrtc.player.eyevinn.technology and enter http://localhost:8001/whep/channel/test
as WHEP url.
Or for WHEP in a similar way https://webrtc.player.eyevinn.technology/?type=whep and enter http://localhost:8001/whep/channel/test
as WHEP url.
Join our community on Slack where you can post any questions regarding any of our open source projects. Eyevinn's consulting business can also offer you:
- Further development of this component
- Customization and integration of this component into your platform
- Support and maintenance agreement
Contact [email protected] if you are interested.
About Eyevinn Technology
Eyevinn Technology is an independent consultant firm specialized in video and streaming. Independent in a way that we are not commercially tied to any platform or technology vendor. As our way to innovate and push the industry forward we develop proof-of-concepts and tools. The things we learn and the code we write we share with the industry in blogs and by open sourcing the code we have written.
Want to know more about Eyevinn and how it is to work here. Contact us at [email protected]!